Research Preparation and Outreach Speaker
Title: Research Paper Summarization
Abstract: Reading and reviewing technical research papers and summarizing the content thereof can be seen as essential primary tasks of any research endeavour. A significant fraction of time of a research student and/or (early career) researchers are spent on reading, reviewing and summarizing research papers. In this talk, we will primarily be focusing on how a (technical) research paper should be summarized. We will start with presenting a well-known multi-pass approach to read a technical paper and then show how we should handle the summarization task. As a by product, we will also discuss what a reviewer usually expects in a paper and thus briefly touch what is the ideal structure of a technical research paper. We will also briefly discuss how to do a literature review, which is an essential step in any research work.
Bio: Dr. M. Sohel Rahman is a Professor of the CSE department of BUET. He had worked as a Visiting Research Fellow of King’s College London, UK during 2008-2011 and again as a Visiting Senior Research Fellow there during 2014-15. He is a Senior Member of both IEEE and ACM; member of American Mathematical Society (AMS) and London Mathematical Society (LMS). He is also a Peer-review Associate College Member of EPSRC, UK. Dr. Rahman received different scholarships and fellowships including Commonwealth Scholarship, Commonwealth Fellowship, ACU Titular Fellowship, University College London-Big Data Institute visiting grant, London Mathematical Society Visiting Grant etc. He is also a recipient of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal and UGC Award. He has led research and development projects funded by British Council, UGC-World Bank, ICT Division, Government of Bangladesh and BUET. He has so far published 86 peer-reviewed international journal papers. Among his notable results are the work on high dimensional
Knapscak problems, sequence alignment problems, data structures and string combinatorics, sufficient conditions for Hamiltoninicity, Machine Learning based predictors in Bioinformatics, and metaheuristics solutions for hard problems. He is an Academic Editor of PLOS One, Associate Editor of BMC Research Notes and had edited special issues as guest editors in Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Fundamenta Informaticae etc. He has also served as Program Committee members in a number of conference series’ of international repute. Dr. Rahman regularly writes reviews at Mathematical Review and ACM Computing Review. He is currently an ACM Distinguished Speaker.