Author Instructions

Instructions for Paper Submissions

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or practical significance to Networking, Systems and Security. Submitted papers must describe work not previously published. They must not be submitted simultaneously to another conference with refereed proceedings or to a journal. The papers should be 6 to 8 pages (double column) in ACM format. Papers must be submitted in PDF format and formatted according to the new Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template.

Information about formatting and style files is available online at

The Overleaf template is available online at

LaTex users have to use sample-sigconf.tex file as the template. If you prefer to use the Overleaf template, change the main document to sample-sigconf.tex file.

Word users have to use interim-layout.docx file as the template.

Only electronic submissions will be allowed. All papers submitted to 11th NSysS 2024 need to be double-blind, i.e., no author name should appear in the submitted papers.

Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model

ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here:

Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows:
Full details of the new ICPS publishing model:
Full details of the ACM Open program:

Please direct all questions about the new model to

Paper Submission Link