Yet another internet page for bunch of links
Engineering Blogs B.V. | dev blog |
Coursera | Engineering Coursera |
Facebook Inc. | Facebook Code |
Github | Github Engineering |
Google Developer Blog - Machine Learning
Google Developer Blog - Developer Google Engineering Tools |
Heroku | Heroku Engineering Blog |
Kickstarter | Kickstarter Engineering - Backing & Hacking |
LinkdeIn | LinkedIn Engineering Blog |
Netflix | The Netflix Tech blog |
Paypal | Paypal Engineering |
Pinterest engineering blog | |
Quora | Engineering at Quora |
Slack | The Slack Engineering Blog |
Spotify | Spotify Labs |
Stackoverflow | Stack Overflow Blog – Work of Stack Overflow's engineering team |
Toptal | Toptal Engineering Blog |
The Twitter Engineering Blog | |
Uber | Uber Engineering Blog |
Yelp | Yelp Engineering |
Blogs by CSE,BUET alumni
Abu Zaher Md. Faridee'05 | Personal website |
Enzam Hossain'07 | Enzam's Blog, Everything, my day to day, technology, etc. |
Ibrahim Rashid'07 | IRashid's Blog. Also here goes an older one with day to day activities and works. |
Ragib Hasan | Ragib Hasan's blog |
Shafiul Azam Chowdhury'07 | Personal website, personal blog |
Md Imran Hasan Hira'07 | A meaningless blog |
Other Personal Blogs
Werner Vogel (CTO, Amazon) | All Things Distributed - weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems |
Martin Fowler | Martin Fowler's blog -- this guy is awesome!! |
Jeff Dean | Google plus page |
Interesting Titles
High Scalability | High Scalability -- Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites |
Stories about good software architecture | |
IBM Developer works | |
Software engineering interview practice
(Acknowledgement: There is no shortcut for achievements, and interviewers aren't monkeys. And it's always challenging to consume skills in just hours, which took other people years of dedication. To make stuffs happen, you gotta know how to do things. However, despite of all blockage, if you came up with a plan to improve your current self from your older self, these resources might help you for good practice or following up on trends.)
System design basics | |
Easy algorithm practice | - Leet code algorithm practice |
Gainlo | What? Interview coaching from Googlers? |
Geeks for geeks | A computer science portal for geeks |
Career cup | Careercup - interview questions |
Glassdoor | Glassdoor - Interview questions |
Hackerrank | |
Google Interview | A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer at Google. |
Bunch of books that no one wants to read, just keeps a collection
Clean Code | Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship |
Big list of books - 1 | What is the single most influential book every programmer should read |
C++ Books | The Definitive C++ book guide and list |