Guidelines for M.Sc. Engg./M. Engg. thesis proposal presentation in the department of CSE, BUET:

The students of department of CSE, BUET are instructed to focus on the following points during their M.Sc. Engg./M. Engg. thesis proposal presentation:

» 1. Problem Statement: A clear definition of the problem at hand with examples and illustrations is expected.
» 2. Present State/Literature: A brief literature review, i.e., the present state of the problem is expected.
» 3. Limitations of current state of the art (if any): If there is any limitation of the current state of the art, it must be discussed.
» 4. Objectives and Outcomes: The objectives and the outcomes must be spelled out clearly.
» 5. Methodology: The methodology to conduct the research must be discussed. If some progress has already been made, this can be presented briefly. For experimental work the description of experimental setup including datasets must be presented.
» 6. Presentation: The presentation skill of the student will be judged. The timing will be strict and he will be stopped abruptly when the time is up and the members may evaluate only based on what has been presented. Currently, the timing has been set to 15 minutes.
» 7. Q&A performance: The ability to handle the Q&A will be judged here.

Note that for the written proposal the CASR approved format word limitations must be followed strictly and accurately.

Steps for Proposal Submission