
The department conducts a number of training programs for different organizations and individuals. With the mushroom like growth of computer centers in the country, where the quality of teaching is questionable, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering is eager to play a vital role in producing quality computer professionals who can make positive contribution in the development of this country.

Department offers various short courses like computer networking, system administration using Linux, software development with Oracle9i, Visual Basic.NET and so on. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering acts as Regional Cisco Academy in Bangladesh and provides CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associates) training to both instructors and students. Occasionally department offers training programs for specific professionals so that they can have better IT involvement in their profession. One such training is “e-Heath and Learning” program for doctors funded by European Union.

Training on Languages using VashaGuru Software

Training Services

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Training Experience

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Training Detail

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