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Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

ashikur AT cse DOT buet DOT ac DOT bd, (help me in avoiding spam!)

Office: 880 2 9665650, Extension 6498
Cell: 01556329138 (You are welcome)
Residence: 880 2 9665650, Extension 7959

Web page:

Dr. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman (ডঃ এ. কে. এম. আশিকুর রহমান)

Research Area:
Computer Architecture, Programming Languages and Compilers
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Database, Data mining and Information Systems
Software Engineering
Systems and Networking
Big Data Systems and Analytics

Research Interest:
Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Back-end optimisation of Compiler
Neural Networks
Thin Client Architecture


Academic Background:
Research Scholar, 2012

Department of CS , State University of New York- Binghamton,USA.

Visiting Researcher, 2011

School of CS, McGill University, Canada.

Postdoctoral Researcher, 2010-2011

Department of CS, University of Calgary, Canada.

Ph.D. in Computing Science, 2006

University of Alberta, Canada.

M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2001

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, 1998

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

S.S.C. and H.S.C in Science., 1987-1991

Faujdarhat Cadet College

Selected Publications:

My foreign collaborators/mentors (I am deeply indebted to them):

Pawel Gburzynski

Bozena Kaminska

Carey Williamson

Xue Liu

Nael Abu-Ghazaleh

Ph.D. Supervisor

Postdoc Supervisor

Postdoc Supervisor

Postdoc Supervisor

Postdoc Supervisor

I am truly blessed to have a talented set of undergrad research students. Some of them are working at Industry (such as Google, Microsoft etc) and some of them are involved in teaching. My research students who are teaching at North American universities:

Endadul Hoque

Farzana Rahman

Naeemul Hassan (Naffi)

Syed Rafiul Hussain

Nashid Shahriar

Syracuse University

Syracuse University

University of Maryland, CP

Pennsylvania State University

University of Regina

red line To know the acceptance rate and significance of various CS networking conferences please see networking conference statistics and then computer science conference rankings. Warning: Bureaucracy of publishing in high-ranked conferences is a serious waste of time and an impediment to creativity.

Before downloading the documents in this page, please carefully read the copyright notice.


  1. Ashikur Rahman, "Routeless Routing and MAC-Aided Protocols for Adhoc Wireless Network" , June 05, 2009, Publisher: VDM Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-639-15707-9.

Best Paper Awards

  1. Md. Abubakar Siddik and Ashikur Rahman, IT-SBA: An Improved Timer-based Scalable Broadcast Algorithm for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks , 10th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, NSysS, December 21-23,, 2023. (WON BEST PAPER AWARD, Acceptance Rate 21%). ACM DL
  2. Anonnya Ghosh, Raqeebir Rab, and Ashikur Rahman Transfer learning based Facial Emotion Detection for Animated Characters", 2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) (ICCIT 2022), December 21-23, 2022, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. ( WON IEEE BDS BEST PAPER AWARD ). IEEE Xplore
  3. Syeda Farzia Afroze, and Ashikur Rahman A Target-Oriented Conflict Graph-based Approach for the Coverage Problem in Directional Sensor Networks ", 2021 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2021), December 21-23, 2021, Cox's Bazar Bangladesh. (WON BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD, Acceptance rate 25%). ACM digital library.
  4. Suman Saha, Abdullah Al Zishan, and Ashikur Rahman On Target Monitoring in Directional Sensor Networks by jointly considering Network Lifetime and Fault Tolerance ", 2019 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2019), December 17-19, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (WON BEST PAPER AWARD, Acceptance rate 27%). ACM digital library.

Journal and Conferences


  1. Meher Afroz, Muntaka Ibnath, Ashikur Rahman, Jakia Sultana, and Raqeebir Rab "On Feature Selection Algorithms for Effective Botnet Detection ", Journal of Network and Systems Management. (JNSM), March 2024, Accepted Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  2. 2023

  3. Sarif Sultan Saruar Jahan and Raqeebir Rab and Peom Dutta and Hossain Muhammad Mahdi Hassan Khan and Muhammad Shahariar Karim Badhon and Sumaiya Binte Hassan and , Deep Learning Based Misogynistic Bangla Text Identification from Social Media" , Comput. Informatics, 42, 993--1012, 2023.
  4. Md. Abubakar Siddik, Tawsif Shahriar, SM Zuhair Zawhar Zaki, Ashikur Rahman, Monirul Haque Imon, Raqeebir Rab, and Abderrahmane Leshob "A novel FRTS/FCTS-based MAC Protocol for In-band Full-duplex Wireless Ad-hoc Networks ", Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications.( WiMob'23 ), June 21-24, 2023, Montreal, Canada, To appear.
  5. Swapnil Dey, Md. Musharaf Hossain, Asif Mustafa Hassan, Ashikur Rahman, Tamima Tarin "Effect of Smile on Facial Landmark Based Face Recognition ", Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) , Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 1-4, 2023.
  6. Afsana Ahmed Munia, Ibrahim Hossain, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Pegah Tabarisaadi, Ashikur Rahman, Saeid Nahavandi "Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning for Segmenting Ultrasound Images of Breast Tumours ", Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 1-4, 2023, To appear.
  7. Md Mehedi Hasan*, Ibrahim Hossain, Ashikur Rahman, Saeid Nahavandi "Controlled Dropout for Uncertainty Estimation ", Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 1-4, 2023, To appear.
  8. 2022

  9. Nazmus Sakib, Sohel Basha, and Ashikur Rahman, "Road Accident analysis of Dhaka city using Counter Propagation Network ", Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet 2022) . Ocober 24-27, Montreal, Canada, To appear Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  10. Meher Afroz, Muntaka Ibnath, Ashikur Rahman, Jakia Sultana, and Raqeebir Rab "On Feature Selection Algorithms for Effective Botnet Detection ", Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet 2022) . Ocober 24-27, Montreal, Canada, To appear Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  11. Md. Sakhawat Hossain, Md. Mosaddekul Islam, and Ashikur Rahman, "Analyzing terrific traffic in urban areas: a small step towards bringing order into city roads ", COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 41(2), 571–589. . DOI Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  12. Khaleda Akther Papry and Ashikur Rahman, "Fault Tolerant Multiple Dominating Set Constructions for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks"In Advanced Information Networking and Applications. (AINA), April 13 - 15, 2022, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer.
  13. Syed Moshfeq Salaken, Imali Hettiarachchi, Afsana Ahmed Munia, Md Mehedi Hasan, Abbas Khosravi, Shady Mohamed, and Ashikur Rahman, "Predicting Cognitive Load of Individual with Knowledge Gained from Others ",IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine (SMC Magazine). vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 4-15, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1109/MSMC.2021.3103498,Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  14. 2021

  15. Md. Shahedul Haque Shawon, Sagor Biswas, Nirob Arefin, Tanmoy Sarkar Pias, and Ashikur Rahman, "On Age Prediction from Facial Images in Presence of Facial Expressions ",International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition. 2021, Accepted for publication. Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  16. Md. Sakhawat Hossain, Md. Mosaddekul Islam, and Ashikur Rahman, "Analyzing terrific traffic in urban areas: a small step towards bringing order into city roads ",In Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Theories and Applications in Transportation and Mobility (RTATM )October 14-15, 2021 Prague, Czech Republic.
  17. Md. Shanjinur Islam and Ashikur Rahman, "iNote: a Low Cost Banknote Recognition System for Visually Impaired Persons ",In: Barolli L., Woungang I., Enokido T. (eds) Advanced Information Networking and Applications. (AINA), May 12-14, 2021, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 227. Springer, Cham. Presentation Recording,
  18. Ashikur Rahman, Salsabil Arabi, and Raqeebir Rab, "Feasibility and Challenges of 5G Network Deployment in Least Developed Countries (LDC) ", Wireless Sensor Network, 13, 1-16, 2021., Publisher: Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
  19. 2020

  20. Sajeda Akter, Sriram Chellappan, Tusher Chakraborty, Taslim Arefin Khan,Ashikur Rahman, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam Man-in-the-Middle Attack on Contactless Payment over NFC Communications: Design, Implementation, Experiments and Detection IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing ", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2020, (Accepted) Publisher: IEEE. Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  21. Nazmus Saquib and Ashikur Rahman Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Real-Time Sign Language Detection using Wearable Sensors ", Proceedings of the 11th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, MMSys 2020, Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-11, 2020, (Acceptance Rate: 32%) Publisher: ACM. Video presentation Slides.
  22. Imtiyaz Hossain, Sakib Eshra, Minha Jami Auvik, Syed Faiz Nasim, Raqeebir Rab and Ashikur Rahman. Efficient Feature Selection for Detecting Botnets based on Network Traffic and Behavior Analysis ", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2020), December 22-24, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh., (Acceptance Rate: 29%) Publisher: ACM.
  23. Yeaseen Arafat, Kazi Samin Yeaser, Ashikur Rahman and Arnab Dasgupta. A Machine Learning based Approach for Protecting Wireless Networks Against DoS Attacks ", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2020), December 22-24, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh., (Acceptance Rate: 29%) Publisher: ACM.
  24. 2019

  25. Md. Sadiqur Rahman Sohel, Chowdhury Nawrin Ferdous, Ashikur Rahman, Akib Jawad Nafis, Salsabil Arabi, and Raqeebir Rab On Constructing Contention Aware Connected Dominating Sets (CDS) for inter-connectivity among Internet of Things (IoT) devices ", International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security (IJMIS), 2019 Inderscience Publishers Ltd
  26. R. Rab, M. Jahan, M. S. H. Mridha, A. Olee, S. Nusrat and A. Rahman "On Efficient Selection and Orientation of Directional Sensors in Visual Sensor Networks", International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019 Publisher: IEEE
  27. 2018

  28. Abdullah Al Zishan, Imtiaz Karim, Sudipta Saha Shubha, and Ashikur Rahman, Maximizing Heterogeneous Coverage in Over and Under Provisioned Visual Sensor Networks ", Journal of Networking and Computer Applications (JNCA), Accepted, 2018 Journal Impact Factor: 3.853 Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  29. Ananya Bhattacharjee, Tanmoy Pias, Mahathir Ahmad, and Ashikur Rahman, "On the Performance Analysis of APIs Recognizing Emotions from Video Images of Facial Expressions", In Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2018 , Orlando, Florida, USA, 2018 (Acceptance rate 33%).
  30. Tasmiah Tamzid Anannya and Ashikur Rahman" Extended Neighborhood Knowledge based Dominant Pruning (ExDP) ", 2018 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2018), December 18-20, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Acceptance rate 29%).
  31. Chowdhury Nawrin Ferdous, and Ashikur Rahman, "A Contention Aware Connected Dominating Set Construction Algorithm for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks", In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2018 , Limassol, Cyprus, 2018 Acceptance rate 30%
  32. Laboni Sarker, Sakshar Chakravarty and Ashikur Rahman" A Graph Theoretic Approach for Maximizing Target Coverage using Minimum Directional Sensors in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks ", 2018 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2018), December 18-20, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Acceptance rate 29%).
  33. Nafisa Anzum, Farzia Afroze, and Ashikur Rahman, "Zone-based Indoor Localization using Neural Networks: a View from a Real Testbed", In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 18 May 20-24, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, 2018. Acceptance rate 33.99%
  34. Nafis Sadeq, Fazle Rabbi Rahat, Ashikur Rahman, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed and Kamrul Hasan" SCalE: Smartphone-based Calorie Estimation From Food Image Information ", 2018 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2018), December 18-20, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Acceptance rate 29%).
  35. Sirat Samyoun, Ashikur Rahman and Raqeebir Rab" Design and Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Multi-hop Networks ", 2018 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2018 ), December 18-20, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Acceptance rate 29%).
  36. 2017

  37. Raqeebir Rab, Shaheed Ahmed Dewan Sagar, Nazmus Sakib, Ahasanul Haque, Majedul Islam, and Ashikur Rahman, Improved Self Pruning for Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks ", Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp 73-86, 2017.
  38. 2016

  39. Raqeebir Rab, Ashikur Rahman, and Fatema Tuz Zohra " Analytical modeling of self-pruning and an improved probabilistic broadcast for wireless multihop networks ", Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier vol 52, pp 106-116, 2016 Journal Impact Factor: 1.66 Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  40. Hafsa Zannat, Taslima Akter, Mashrura Tasnim, and Ashikur Rahman " The Coverage Problem in Visual Sensor Networks: A Target Oriented Approach ", Journal of Networking and Computer Applications (JNCA), vol 75, pp 1-15, 2016 Journal Impact Factor: 2.33 Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  41. Sakib Md. Bin Malek, Muntakim Sadik, and Ashikur Rahman" On Balanced k-Coverage in Visual Sensor Networks ", Journal of Networking and Computer Applications (JNCA), vol 72, pp 72-86, 2016 Journal Impact Factor: 2.33 Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  42. Shahla Farzana, Khaleda Akther Papry, Ashikur Rahman, and Raqeebir Rab, "Maximally Pair-wise Disjoint Set Covers for Directional Sensors in Visual Sensor Networks", In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days, WD 16 March 23-25, Touolouse, France, 2016. Acceptance rate 33.6%
  43. 2015

  44. Ashikur Rahman, Nawshad Rehan Rasha, Imtiaz Ahmed, and Sirat Samyoun " Modeling Sparsity of Planar Topologies for Wireless Multi-hop Networks ", The 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks ( WiOpt 15) , May 25-29, 2015 at the IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Acceptance rate 38.8%
  45. Fatema Tuz Zohra, and Ashikur Rahman" Mathematical Analysis of Self-pruning and a New Dynamic Probabilistic Broadcast for MANETs ", The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015), January 5-7, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Acceptance rate 36%).
  46. Farah Tanjeem, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, and Ashikur Rahman "Wireless Media Access Depending on Packet Size Distribution over Error-prone Channels", The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015), January 5-7, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Acceptance rate 36%).
  47. Md. Tarikul Islam Papon, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Nazmus Saquib, and Ashikur Rahman" Non-invasive Heart Rate Measuring Smartphone Applications using On-board Cameras: A Short Survey ", The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015), January 5-7, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  48. Nazmus Saquib, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Md. Tarikul Islam Papon, and Ashikur Rahman" Measurement of Heart Rate Using Photoplethysmography ", The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015), January 5-7, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  49. 2014

  50. Ashikur Rahman, Xue Liu and Fanxin Kong" A Survey on Geographic Load Balancing based Data Center Power Management in the Smart Grid Environment ", IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials, Volume 16, No. 1, February, 2014, Pages 214--233 Journal Impact Factor: 5.49 Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  51. Ashikur Rahman, and Nael Abu-Ghazaleh" On the expected size of minimum-energy path-preserving topologies for wireless multi-hop networks ", The 33rd Annual IEEE conference on Computer Communications ( INFOCOM 14) , April 27 - May 2, 2014, Toronto, Canada, Acceptance rate 19.4%
  52. 2013

  53. Ashikur Rahman, and Raqeebir Rab" Modeling and Analysis of Bi-connected Minimum Energy Path Preserving Graphs for Wireless Multi-hop Networks ", The Second ACM Annual International Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networking ( ACM MiSeNet 2013) in Conjuction with ACM MobiCom 2013 , September 30 - Ocober 4, 2013, Miami, Florida, USA.
  54. 2012

  55. Md. Ehtesamul Haque and Ashikur Rahman, " On Constructing Interference-Aware k-Fault Resistant Topologies for Wireless Ad hoc networks ", Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks( (AHSWN) , 2012.Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  56. Tandra Chakraborty, Fazlay Rabbi, Aungon Nag Radon, and Ashikur Rahman. " Load and energy aware topology control in wireless ad-hoc networks." In IEEE GLOBECOM , California, USA, 3-8 December 2012. To Appear, Acceptance rate 37%.
  57. Ashikur Rahman, Carey Williamson. " Delta Graphs for Wireless ad hoc networks." the 9th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON 2012), June 18-21, 2012 Seoul, South Korea (Acceptance ratio: 68 out of 250+).
  58. Jianguo Yao, Xue Liu, Wenbo He and Ashikur Rahman, " Dynamic Control of Electricity Cost with Power Demand Smoothing and Peak Shaving for Distributed Internet Data Centers " , The 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2012) June 18-21, 2012 Macau, China. (Acceptance rate 13%).
  59. 2011

  60. Syed Rafiul Hussain, Subrata Saha and Ashikur Rahman,SAAMAN: Scalable Address Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ",Journal of Network and System Management ( JNSM ), Volume 9, Issue 3(2011), Page 394, DOI: 10.1007/s10922-010-9187-4, Springer ISSN: 1064-7570. Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  61. Md. Ehtesamul Haque and Ashikur Rahman, "Fault Tolerant Interference-Aware Topology Control for Ad hoc Wireless Networks", 10th International Conference on Ad hoc Networks and Wireless ( Adhoc-NOW 2011 ) July 18-20, 2011 Paderbon, Germany.
  62. Ashikur Rahman, Carey Williamson. Delta-Graphs: Flexible Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Poster paper, Proceedings of IFIP Performance 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2011. Official version appears in ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Vol. 39, No. 2, page 75, September 2011..Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  63. Ashikur Rahman, Hanan Shpungin, Carey Williamson. On capacity maximization in wireless relay networks Poster paper, Proceedings of IFIP Performance 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2011. Official version appears in ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Vol. 39, No. 2, page 76, September 2011...Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  64. 2010

  65. Harichandan Roy, Shuvo Kumar De, Md. Maniruzzaman, and Ashikur Rahman, "Fault Tolerant Power-Aware Topology Control for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks", In IFIP Networking, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS)( Networking 2010 ), Chennai, India, May 11 -15, 2010. 12 pages (Acceptance Rate 23.7%).
  66. S.M. Rifat Ahsan, Mohammad Saiful Islam, Naeemul Hassan, and Ashikur Rahman, "Exploiting packet distribution for tuning RTS threshold in IEEE 802.11", In 25th Biennial Symposium on communications( QBSC 2010 ), Kingston, Canada, May 11 -15, 2010.
  67. Nashid Shahriar, Syed Ashker Ibne Mujib, Arup Raton Roy, and Ashikur Rahman, "Iterative route discovery in AODV ", In 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ( AINA 2010 ), April 20-23, 2010, Perth, Western Australia. 7 pages.
  68. Subrata Saha, Syed Rafiul Hussain, Ashikur Rahman, "RBP: Reliable Broadcasting Protocol in Large Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", In 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ( AINA 2010 ), April 20-23, 2010, Perth, Western Australia. 8 pages.
  69. Rifat Ahsan, Mohammad Islam, Naeemul Hassan, and A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman. " Packet distribution based tuning of RTS Threshold in IEEE 802.11, Proceedings of 15th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2010, IEEE, Italy, pages 1-6, 2010.


  70. P. Gburzynski, B. Kaminska, and A. Rahman. "On Reliable One-way Transmission of Data over Simple Wireless Channels." , Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications (JCSNC), Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 409853, 14 pages.
  71. A. Rahman, M. Ahmed and S. Zerin "Analysis of Minimum-Energy Path-Preserving Graphs for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ", in Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2009. Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q2
  72. A. Rahman, M.E. Hoque, F. Rahman, S. K. Kundu, and P. Gburzynski, "Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning (EPDP) Based Broadcasting in Ad hoc Wireless Networks ", Journal of Networks, Vol 4, No 9 (2009), 895-904, doi:10.4304/jnw.4.9.895-904
  73. Syed Rafiul Hussain, Subrata Saha and Ashikur Rahman, "An Efficient and Scalable Address Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", 8th International Conference on Ad hoc Networks and Wireless ( Adhoc-NOW 2009 ) September 22-25, Murcia, Spain.
  74. Md. Tanvir Al Amin, Sukarna Barua, Sudip Vhaduri, and Ashikur Rahman, "Load Aware Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009), June 14-18, Dresden, Germany. (Acceptance Rate 34.9%)
  75. Tamanna Afroze, Saikat Sarkar, Aminul Islam and Asikur Rahman, " More Stable Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol" , The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Industrial electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 25-27th May 2009 Xi'an, China, pp 150-155.
  76. Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Ashikur Rahman and Masud Hasan, "On the Longest Vulnerable Path inside Sensor Network from Boundary Regions", 5th IEEE-GCC Conference, March 2009, Kuwait City, Kuwait, to appear.
  77. 2008

  78. P. Gburzynski, B. Kaminska, and A. Rahman. "Reliable Data Transmission over Simple Wireless Channels: a Case Study." In Proceedings of 11th EuroMicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2008), September 3-5, 2008, Parma, Italy, pp 817-824.
  79. M. Ahmed, M. Shariar, S. Zerin, and A. Rahman " Analysis of Minimum-Energy Path-Preserving Graphs for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ", In Proceedings of SPECTS 2008, Edinburgh, UK, June 2008.
  80. M.E. Hoque, F. Rahman, S. K. Kundu, A. Rahman, and P. Gburzynski, " Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning (EPDP) Based Broadcasting in Ad hoc Wireless Networks ", In Proceedings of SPECTS 2008, Edinburgh, UK, June 2008.
  81. 2007

  82. Ashikur Rahman, Pawel Gburzynski and Bozena Kaminska, "Enhanced Dominant Pruning-based Broadcasting in Untrusted Ad-hoc Wireless Networks", In Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), Glagow, Scotland, June 2007, pp. 3389-3394. (Acceptance rate 39%)


    Ashikur Rahman and Pawel Gburzynski, "MAC-Assisted Broadcast Speedup in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks", In Proceedings of ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conferences- IWCMC 2006 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, Canada, July 3 - 6, 2006.

  83. Ashikur Rahman and Pawel Gburzynski, "Hidden problems with the hidden node problem ", In Proceedings of, 23rd Biennial Symposium on Communications- QBSC 2006, May 29- June 1, Kingston, Canada 2006.
  84. 2005

  85. Ashikur Rahman and Pawel Gburzynski, "MAC-Assisted Topology Control for Ad-hoc Wireless Network", ACM/Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), 19(9):955-976, 2005. Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) Q1
  86. Ashikur Rahman and Pawel Gburzynski, "On Constructing Minimum-Energy Path-Preserving Graph for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks", In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2005, May 16-20, Seoul, Korea, 2005. (Acceptance Rate 35%)
  87. 2004

  88. A. Rahman, W. Olesinski and P. Gburzynski, "Controlled Flooding in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks", In Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Adhoc Networks- IWWAN 2004, June 1-3, Oulu, Finland, 2004.

    A. Rahman and P. Gburzynski, "MAC Support for Broadcast Based Adhoc Forwarding Schemes", In Proceedings of 22nd Biennial Symposium on Communications- QBSC 2004, May 31- June 3, Kingston, Canada 2004.

  89. Ashikur Rahman, "Thin Clients Via Shadow Objects", In Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology - ICACT, 2004, Volume: 2, page(s): 1072- 1077, ISBN: 89-5519-119-7.
  90. 2003

  91. W. Olesinski, A. Rahman and P. Gburzynski, "TARP: A Tiny Ad-hoc Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks", In Proceedings of The Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference - ATNAC'2003, Decmeber 8-10, Melborne, Australia 2003.
  92. A. Rahman and Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, "A New Approach for Compressing Color Images using Neural Network", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'2003 , Vienna, Austria, 2003.
  93. A. Rahman, "An Object Reconstruction Based Approach to Thin Client Computing", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology - ICCIT'2003, December 19-21, 2003, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
  94. 2001 and Earlier

  95. A. Rahman and Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, "Image Compression Using Neural Network", Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, 2001.
  96. A. Rahman and M. Kaykobad, "A new map method for minimizing Boolean Expressions", pp 193-198, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka 1999.
  97. A. Rahman and M. Kaykobad, "Minimizing area cost of on-chip cache memories", Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 8-20, 1998, Dhaka.
  98. A. Rahman and M. Kaykobad, "Seek time in replicated two-headed disk systems", pp. 15-20, Proceedings of National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, December 9-10, 1997, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Journal Papers:

1. Meher Afroz and Muntaka Ibnath and Ashikur Rahman and Jakia Sultana and Raqeebir Rab, On Feature Selection Algorithms for Effective Botnet Detection (Journal), Journal of Network and Systems Management., 32, 43, 2024. [paper link]
2. Sarif Sultan Saruar Jahan and Raqeebir Rab and Peom Dutta and Hossain Muhammad Mahdi Hassan Khan and Muhammad Shahariar Karim Badhon and Sumaiya Binte Hassan and , Deep Learning Based Misogynistic Bangla Text Identification from Social Media, Comput. Informatics, 42, 993--1012, 2023. [paper link]
3. Syed Moshfeq Salaken , Imali Hettiarachchi , Afsana Ahmed Munia , Md Mehedi Hasan , Abbas Khosravi , Shady Mohamed , Ashikur Rahman, Predicting Cognitive Load of an Individual With Knowledge Gained From Others: Improvements in Performance Using Crowdsourcing, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, 8, 4--15, 2022. [paper link]
4. Md. Sakhawat Hossain, Md. Mosaddekul Islam, and Ashikur Rahman, Analyzing terrific traffic in urban areas: a small step towards bringing order into city roads , Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Theories and Applications in Transportation and Mobility (RTATM ) October 14-15, 2021 Prague, Czech Republic., 2021.
5. Sajeda Akter and Sriram Chellappan and Tusher Chakraborty and Taslim Arefin Khan and Ashikur Rahman and A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Man-in-the-Middle Attack on Contactless Payment over NFC Communications: Design Implementation Experiments and Detection, IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 18, 3012--3023, 2021. [paper link]
6. Ashikur Rahman, Salsabil Arabi, Raqeebir Rab, Feasibility and Challenges of 5G Network Deployment in Least Developed Countries (LDC), Wireless Sensor Network, 13, 1-16, 2021. [paper link]
7. Md. Sadiqur Rahman Sohel, Chowdhury Nawrin Ferdous, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Akib Jawad Nafis, Salsabil Arabi, Raqeebir Rab, On Constructing Contention Aware Connected Dominating Sets (CDS) for inter-connectivity among Internet of Things (IoT) devices, International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, 2019.
8. Abdullah Al Zishan, Imtiaz Karim, Sudipta Saha Shubha, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Maximizing Heterogeneous Coverage in Over and Under Provisioned Visual Sensor Networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Accepted, 2018. [paper link]
9. Raqeebir Rab, Shaheed Ahmed Dewan Sagar, Nazmus Sakib, Ahasanul Haque, Majedul Islam, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Improved Self Pruning for Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), 9, 73-86, 2017. [paper link]
10. Raqeebir Rab, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Fatema Tuz Zohra, Analytical modeling of self-pruning and an improved probabilistic broadcast for wireless multihop networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Impact factor: 1.66, 2016. [paper link]
11. Hafsa Zannat, Taslima Akter, Mashrura Tasnim, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, The Coverage Problem in Visual Sensor Networks: A Target Oriented Approach, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications (JNCA), Impact Factor: 2.33, 2016. [paper link]
12. Sakib Md. Bin Malek, Muntakim Sadik, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, On Balanced k-Coverage in Visual Sensor Networks, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications (JNCA), Accepted, Impact factor: 2.33, 2016. [paper link]
13. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Xue Liu, Fanxin Kong, A Survey on Geographic Load Balancing based Data Center Power Management in the Smart Grid Environment, IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials, 16, 214-233, 2014. [paper link]
14. Md. Ehtesamul Haque, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, On Construction of Interference-Aware k-Fault Resistant Topologies for Wireless Ad hoc networks, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), 2012.
15. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, C. Williamson, Delta-Graphs: Flexible Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), 39, 75, 2011.
16. Syed Rafiul Hussain, Subrata Saha , A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, SAAMAN: Scalable Address Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Network and System Management ( JNSM ), Volume 9, Issue 3, 394, DOI: 10.1007/s1, 2011.
17. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, M.E. Hoque, F. Rahman, S. K. Kundu, Pawel Gburzynski, Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning (EPDP) Based Broadcasting in Ad hoc Wireless Networks, Journal of Networks, 4, 895-904, 2009.
18. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, M. Ahmed , S. Zerin, Analysis of Minimum-Energy Path-Preserving Graphs for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2009.
19. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Pawel Gburzynski, MAC-Assisted Topology Control for Ad-hoc Wireless Network, ACM/Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), 19, 955-976., 0000.
20. P. Gburzynski, B. Kaminska, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, On Reliable One-way Transmission of Data over Simple Wireless Channels, Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications (JCSNC),, 2009, 0000.
21. S.M. Masum, A.A. Ali, Md. Mostofa Akbar, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, A Consensus based Exclusion Algorithm for Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Elsevier Science, 0000.
Conference Papers:

1. Khan Sidratul Muntaha and Maliha Mehreen Tabassum and Haque Md Shahedul and Rahman Ashikur, WiFi Received Signal Strength RSS Based Automated Attendance System for Educational Institutions, NSysS '24: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networking, Systems, and Security, 172–180, 2024. [paper link]
2. Md. Abubakar Siddik and Ashikur Rahman, IT-SBA: An Improved Timer-based Scalable Broadcast Algorithm for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, 10th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, NSysS, , 1--8, 2023. [paper link]
3. Md Mehedi Hasan, Ibrahim Hossain, Ashikur Rahman, Saeid Nahavandi, Controlled Dropout for Uncertainty Estimation, Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 1--4, 2023.
4. Afsana Ahmed Munia, Ibrahim Hossain, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Pegah Tabarisaadi, Ashikur Rahman, Saeid Nahavandi, Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning for Segmenting Ultrasound Images of Breast Tumours, Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 1--4, 2023.
5. Swapnil Dey, Md. Musharaf Hossain, Asif Mustafa Hassan, Ashikur Rahman, Tamima Tarin, Effect of Smile on Facial Landmark Based Face Recognition, Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 1--4, 2023.
6. Md. Abubakar Siddik, Tawsif Shahriar, SM Zuhair Zawhar Zaki, Ashikur Rahman, Monirul Haque Imon, Raqeebir Rab, and Abderrahmane Leshob, A novel FRTS/FCTS-based MAC Protocol for In-band Full-duplex Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications.( WiMob'23 ), 36--42, 2023. [paper link]
7. Mehedi Hasan and Moloud Abdar and Abbas Khosravi and Uwe Aickelin and Pietro Lio' and Ibrahim Hossain and Ashikur Rahman and Saeid Nahav, Survey on Leveraging Uncertainty Estimation Towards Trustworthy Deep Neural Networks: The Case of Reject Option and Post-training Processing, CoRR, abs/2304.04906, 2023. [paper link]
8. Md. Abubakar Siddik and Tawsif Shahriar and SM Zuhair Zawhar Zaki and Monirul Haque Imon and Ashikur Rahman and Raqeebir Rab and Abderrahmane Leshob, A novel FRTS/FCTS-based MAC Protocol for In-band Full-duplex Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communication,, WiMob 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 21-23, 2023, 36--42, 2023. [paper link]
9. Meher Afroz and Muntaka Ibnath and Ashikur Rahman and Jakia Sultana and Raqeebir Rab, On Feature Selection Algorithms for Effective Botnet Detection, 8th International Symposium Ubiquitous Networking (UNet), 13853, 253--266, 2022. [paper link]
10. Nazmus Sakib and Sohel Bashar and Ashikur Rahman, Road Accident Analysis of Dhaka City Using Counter Propagation Network, 8th International Symposium Ubiquitous Networking (UNet), 13853, 164--179, 2022. [paper link]
11. Sakhawat Hossain and Mosaddekul Islam and Ashikur Rahman, Analyzing Terrific Traffic in Urban Areas: A Small Step Towards Bringing Order into City Roads, Comput. Informatics, 41, 571--589, 2022. [paper link]
12. Khaleda Akther Papry and Ashikur Rahman, Fault Tolerant Multiple Dominating Set Constructions for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, Advanced Information Networking and Applications. (AINA), April 13 - 15, 2022, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer. , 2022.
13. Sajeda Akter and Sriram Chellappan and Tusher Chakraborty and Taslim Arefin Khan and Ashikur Rahman and A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Man-in-the-Middle Attack on Contactless Payment over NFC Communications: Design, Implementation, Experiments and Detection, IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 18, 3012--3023, 2021. [paper link]
14. Md. Shahedul Haque Shawon and Sagor Biswas and Nirob Arefin and Tanmoy Sarkar Pias and Ashikur Rahman, On age prediction from facial images in presence of facial expressions, Int. J. Appl. Pattern Recognit., 6, 345--369, 2021. [paper link]
15. Md. Shanjinur Islam and Ashikur Rahman, iNote: A Low Cost Banknote Recognition System for Visually Impaired Persons, Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2021), Toronto, ON, Canada,, 227, 165--176, 2021. [paper link]
16. Syeda Farzia Afroze and Ashikur Rahman, A Target-Oriented Conflict Graph-based Approach for the Coverage Problem in Directional Sensor Networks, 8th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 1--12, 2021. [paper link]
17. M. A. Rahman, A. A. Tutul, and A. B. M. A. A. Islam, Solving The Maze of Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease on Portable EEG Sensing to be Adaptable to Go In-The-Wind, NSysS '20: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, 63-–73, 2020. [paper link]
18. Md. Imtiyaz Hossain and Sakib Eshrak and Minhaj Jami Auvik and Syed Faiz Nasim and Raqeebir Rab and Ashikur Rahman, Efficient Feature Selection for Detecting Botnets based on Network Traffic and Behavior Analysis, 7th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 56--62, 2020. [paper link]
19. Yeaseen Arafat and Kazi Samin Yeaser and Ashikur Rahman and Arnab Dasgupta, A Machine Learning based Approach for Protecting Wireless Networks Against DoS Attacks, 7th NSysS 2020: 7th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 126--132, 2020. [paper link]
20. Nazmus Saquib and Ashikur Rahman, Application of machine learning techniques for real-time sign language detection using wearable sensors, 11th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, MMSys, 178--189, 2020. [paper link]
21. Suman Saha, Abdullah Al Zishan, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, On Target Monitoring in Directional Sensor Networks by jointly considering Network Lifetime and Fault Tolerance, 5th IEEE International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS), 2019.
22. R. Rab, M. Jahan, M. S. H. Mridha, A. Olee, S. Nusrat, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, On Efficient Selection and Orientation of Directional Sensors in Visual Sensor Networks, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019.
23. Laboni Sarker, S. Chakravarty, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, A Graph Theoretic Approach for Maximizing Target Coverage using Minimum Directional Sensors in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks, 2018 5th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), 1-9, 2018. [paper link]
24. Ananya Bhattacharjee, Tanmoy Pias, Mahathir Ahmad, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, On the Performance Analysis of APIs Recognizing Emotions from Video Images of Facial Expressions, 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2018, 1-8, 2018.
25. Chowdhury Nawrin Ferdous, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, A Contention Aware Connected Dominating Set Construction Algorithm for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, 14th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2018, 1-8, 2018.
26. Nafisa Anzum, Farzia Afroze, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Zone-based Indoor Localization using Neural Networks: a View from a Real Testbed, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2018. [paper link]
27. Mamtaj Akter, Alimul Islam, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Fault Tolerant Optimized Broadcast for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, The 2nd International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 2016. [paper link]
28. Shahla Farzana, Khaleda Akther Papry, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Raqeebir Rab, Maximally Pair-wise Disjoint Set Covers for Directional Sensors in Visual Sensor Networks, Wireless Days, 2016. [paper link]
29. Nazmus Saquib, Md. Tarikul Islam Papon, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Ashikur Rahman, Measurement of Heart Rate Using Photoplethysmography, The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security, 2015. [paper link]
30. Md. Tarikul Islam Papon, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Nazmus Saquib, Ashikur Rahman, Non-invasive Heart Rate Measuring Smartphone Applications using On-board Cameras: A Short Survey, The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security, 2015. [paper link]
31. Farah Tanjeem, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Wireless Media Access Depending on Packet Size Distribution over Error-prone Channels, The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015), 2015.
32. Fatema Tuz Zohra, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Mathematical Analysis of Self-pruning and a New Dynamic Probabilistic Broadcast for MANETs, The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015), 2015.
33. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Nawshad Rehan Rasha, Imtiaz Ahmed, Sirat Samyoun, Modeling Sparsity of Planar Topologies for Wireless Multi-hop Networks, The 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2015. [paper link]
34. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, On the expected size of minimum-energy path-preserving topologies for wireless multi-hop networks, The 33rd Annual IEEE conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2014. [paper link]
35. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Raqeebir Rab, Modeling and Analysis of Bi-connected Minimum Energy Path Preserving Graphs for Wireless Multi-hop Networks, The Second ACM Annual International Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networking ( ACM MiSeNet) in Conjuction with ACM MobiCom, 17-24, 2013.
36. J. Yao, X. Liu, W. He, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Dynamic Control of Electricity Cost with Power Demand Smoothing and Peak Shaving for Distributed Internet Data Centers, 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2012.
37. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, C. Williamson, Delta Graphs for Wireless ad hoc networks, IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON), 2012.
38. Md. Ehtesamul Haque, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Fault Tolerant Interference-Aware Topology Control for Ad hoc Wireless Networks, 10th International Conference on Ad hoc Networks and Wireless ( Adhoc-NOW), 2011.
39. Rifat Ahsan, Mohammad Islam, Naeemul Hassan, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Packet distribution based tuning of RTS Threshold in IEEE 802.11, 15th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2010, 1-6, 2010. [paper link]
40. S. Saha, S.R. Hussain, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, RBP: Reliable Broadcasting Protocol in Large Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ( AINA ), 2010.
41. Nashid Shahriar, S. A. I. Mujib, A. R. Roy, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Iterative route discovery in AODV, 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ( AINA 2010 ), 392-399, 2010.
42. S.M.R. Ahsan, M.S. Islam, N. Hassan, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Exploiting packet distribution for tuning RTS threshold in IEEE 802.11, 25th Biennial Symposium on communications( QBSC 2010 ), 2010.
43. H. Roy, S.K. De, Md. Maniruzzaman, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Fault Tolerant Power-Aware Topology Control for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, IFIP Networking, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS)( Networking ), 2010.
44. Tanvir Al Amin, Sukarna Barua, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Load Aware Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), 1-5, 2009.
45. T. Afroze, S. Sarkar, A. Islam, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, More Stable Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol, The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Industrial electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 150-155, 2009.
46. Md.T.A. Amin, S. Barua, S. Vhaduri, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Load Aware Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009),, 2009.
47. S.R. Hussain,, S. Saha , A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, An Efficient and Scalable Address Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 8th International Conference on Ad hoc Networks and Wireless ( Adhoc-NOW), 2009.
48. M.E. Hoque, F. Rahman, S. K. Kundu, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski, Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning (EPDP) Based Broadcasting in Ad hoc Wireless Networks (Conference, SPECTS 2008, 2008.
49. M. Ahmed,, M. Shariar, S. Zerin, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Analysis of Minimum-Energy Path-Preserving Graphs for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks (Conference, SPECTS 2008, 2008.
50. P. Gburzynski,, B. Kaminska, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Reliable Data Transmission over Simple Wireless Channels: a Case Study, 11th EuroMicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2008), 817-824, 2008.
51. Md. E. Hoque, F. Rahman, S. K. Kundu, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski, Enhanced partial dominant pruning (EPDP) based broadcasting in ad hoc wireless networks, International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems SPECTS, 143-150, 2008.
52. M. Ahmed, M. Shahriar, S. Zerin, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Analysis of minimum-energy path preserving graphs for ad hoc wireless networks, International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems SPECTS, 114-121, 2008.
53. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski, B. Kaminska, Enhanced Dominant Pruning-based Broadcasting in Untrusted Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), 3389-3394, 2007.
54. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski, Hidden problems with the hidden node problem, 23rd Biennial Symposium on Communications- QBSC 2006,, 2006.
55. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski, MAC-Assisted Broadcast Speedup in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, In Proceedings of ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conferences- IWCMC 2006 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,, 2006.
56. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski,, On Constructing Minimum-Energy Path-Preserving Graph for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2005,, 2005.
57. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski,, MAC Support for Broadcast Based Adhoc Forwarding Schemes, 22nd Biennial Symposium on Communications- QBSC 2004, 2004.
58. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, W. Olesinski, P. Gburzynski, Controlled Flooding in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Adhoc Networks- IWWAN, 2004.
59. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, An Object Reconstruction Based Approach to Thin Client Computing, 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology - ICCIT,2003,, 2003.
60. W. Olesinski, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, P. Gburzynski, TARP: A Tiny Ad-hoc Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks, Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference - ATNAC2003,, 2003.
61. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, C.M. Rahman, A New Approach for Compressing Color Images using Neural Network, International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, 2003.
62. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, C.M. Rahman, Image Compression Using Neural Network, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2001.
63. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, M. Kaykobad, A new map method for minimizing Boolean Expressions, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 1999.
64. M. Kaykobad, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, A new map method for minimizing Boolean Expression, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 193-196, 1999.
65. M. Kaykobad, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Minimizing Area Cost of On-Chip Cache Memories, An International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 63-68, 1998.
66. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, M. Kaykobad, Seek time in replicated two-headed disk systems, National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, 15-20, 1997.
67. M. Kaykobad, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Seek Time in Replicated Two Headed Disk Systems, National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, 15-20,1-6, 1997.
68. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Thin Clients Via Shadow Objects, 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology - ICACT, Volume: 2, page(s): , 0000.