Nazmul Haque

Programmer, CSE, BUET


Vision and Mission:

To enable innovation through research and advancement of educational programs in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and allied fields, thereby establishing this department as a pioneering center of excellence at the national and international levels.

1. To advance and ensure quality education in CSE and its allied fields to enable problem solving in a changing and challenging technological world for contributing towards the benefit of humanity.
2. To conduct high-quality research culminating human talent and enhancing collaboration among industry, academia, and society for the welfare of the country and mankind, and to apply the research outcomes to support and influence national and international agenda.
3. To lead the development of human resources with knowledge, expertise, high ethics, and moral values in the field of CSE and its allied fields through building a strong relationship with industry, academia, and society.
4. To enhance collaboration and life-long learning to overcome contemporary and future complex challenges for contributing to the overall advancement of the domains both inside and outside CSE.