News Detail:

CSE DAY 2007:

image not availableDepartment of CSE, BUET is going to arrange CSE DAY 2007 on 20th February, 2007 (Tuesday). There will be a panel discussion, prize giving ceremony and cultural evening in CSE DAY 2007.

Program Schedule:
  • Panel Discussion
    • Topic: Computer Science and Engineering in Global Context
    • Speakers:
      • Professor Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah
        Vice Chancellor, BUET

      • Professor Dr. Mohammad Ali Choudhury
        Dean, Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, BUET

      • Professor Dr. Muhammad Masroor Ali
        Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET

      • Mr. Monzur M. Murshed
        Associate Professor & Head of School, Gippsland School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia

      • Mr. Zakaria Swapan
        Chief Operating Officer, RanksTel

      • Mr. Muzahidur Hoque Abul Hasanat
        V.P, Therap (BD) Ltd.
    • Venue: BUET Auditorium Seminar Room
    • Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Prize Distribution and Cultural Program
    • Venue: BUET Central Auditorium
    • Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Posted on: [2007-02-20 00:00:00]