Nazmul Haque

Programmer, CSE, BUET


News Detail:

CSE Students awarded at NSU Soft Fair 2004:

image not availableThe project titled "Online Digital Automated Telescope" won fifth place in the 5th SoftFare arranged by the North South University Computer Club on March 25-27, 2004 at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel. This innovative project was developed by Md Muhibur Rasheed, Ahmed Khurshid, Musfiqur Rouf, Musfiqur Rahman, and Kazi Saidul Hasan - Level 4 Term 1 Students of Department of CSE, BUET.

The project consisted of a telescope mounted on a movable platform with two degrees of freedom to give it the ability to bring the entire sky under its coverage. The interesting aspect was that, it was interfaced to a computer which worked as a server and it could take remote requests through the internet and according to that request automatically move the telescope to the required direction and snap a picture using the attached camera and send the image to the requestor. The system also supported live streaming video.

Posted on: [2004-03-27 00:00:00]