News Detail:

Workshop on Information Technology in Transportation (WITT):

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Date: 26 June 2014

Venue: IAC, Department of CSE, ECE Building, West Palashi, BUET


The workshop is intended to provide a platform for researchers, IT professionals, and different stakeholders of transportation system for sharing their ideas and views on applicability of IT in transportation. More specifically, the transportation system in Bangladesh is intended to be focused during the workshop. The workshop is planned to comprise of invited talks, brainstorming session(s), and open discussion.

Motivation behind the workshop

Bangladesh is widely known for heavy traffic jam in accordance with high rate of accidents over its roads and highways. These two types of events result in significant economic losses, accompanied with death tolls. However, extent of such events can be significantly lessened through using Information Technology (IT), which is already adopted in many first-world countries such as USA, UK, etc. Bangladesh is still far behind in using such technologies.
To bridge the gap Bangladesh is facing in using IT in transportation, a naïve approach of simply reusing technologies available in the first-world countries to Bangladesh could be attempted. However, such a naïve approach might be under significant threat of ending up with failures, as the transportation system in Bangladesh is quite different from that found in the first-world countries. Therefore, viability assessments need to be conducted in this regard. Besides, the areas of transportation in Bangladesh should be identified where we could utilize IT in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The workshop targets to cover these issues.

Scope of the workshop
Scope of the proposed workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
    Impact of IT in transportation
    Software tools for transportation
    Hardware modules for transportation
    Research on IT in transportation
    Policy making for transportation system using IT

Intended participants

Intended participants of the proposed workshop is expected to include, but are not limited to, the following: 
    IT researchers
    IT professionals
    Government officers
    Media personnel
    Faculty members and students of university
Program Schedule 
Time                Event
09:00am-10:00am Invited talk by Md. Tawfiq Sarwar from 
                University  at  Buffalo,  New  York,  USA
10:00am-10:45am Invited talk by A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, CSE, BUET
10:45am-11:00am Tea break and networking 
11:00am-12:15pm Brainstorming Session
12:15pm-01:00pm Outcome presentation of Brainstorming Session
01:00pm-02:30pm Lunch and prayer break
02:30pm-03:30pm Invited talk by Samiul Hasan, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, 
03:30pm-04:30pm Invited talk by Ommey Salma Tanzia, a2i Programme, 
                Prime Minister’s Office
04:30pm-05:30pm Invited talk by Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, CSE, DU
05:30pm-06:00pm Open forum
06:00pm-06:05pm Closing remarks
06:05pm-06:30pm Tea and prayer break

A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, BUET
Departmental webpage:
Personal webpage:

Mohammad Saifur Rahman
Lecturer, Department of CSE, BUET
Departmental webpage:
Personal webpage:





Posted on: [2014-06-12 00:00:00]