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1. | N. I. Tripto, M. Nahar, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Farhana Murtaza Choudhury, J. Shane Culpepper, Timos Sellis, Top-k trajectories with the best view, GeoInformatica, 17(4), , 2019. [paper link] |
2. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, S. S. Eusuf, M. K. Abdullah, Farhana M. Choudhury, J. Shane Culpepper, Timos Sellis, The Maximum Trajectory Coverage Query in Spatial Databases, Proc. VLDB Endow., 12(3), 197--209, 2018. [paper link] |
3. | Subarna Chowdhury Soma, Tanzima Hashem, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Samiha Samrose, Trip Planning Queries with Location Privacy in Spatial Databases, World Wide Web, 20(2), 205-236, 2017. [paper link] |
4. | Nusrat Sultana, Tanzima Hashem, Lars Kulik, Group meetup in the presence of obstacles, Information Systems, 61, 24-39, 2016. |
5. | Anika Tabassum, Sukarna Barua, Tanzima Hashem, Tasmin Chowdhury, Dynamic Group Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases, 29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), , 38:1-38:6, 2017. |
6. | Anika Anwar, Tanzima Hashem, Optimal Obstructed Sequenced Route Queries in Spatial Databases, 20th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), , 522-525, 2017. |
7. | Roksana Jahan, Tanzima Hashem, Sukarna Barua, Group Trip Scheduling (GTS) Queries in Spatial Databases, 20th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), , 390-401, 2017. |
8. | Samiul Anwar, Shuha Nabila, Tanzima Hashem, A Novel Approach for Efficient Computation of Community Aware Ridesharing Groups, CIKM, , 1971-1974, 2017. |
9. | Tanzima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Trip Planning and Scheduling Queries in Spatial Databases: A Survey, Big Data Analytics - 5th International Conference (BDA), , 164-178, 2017. |
10. | Tanzima Hashem, Tahrima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Trip Planning Queries for Subgroups in Spatial Databases, 27th Australasian Database Conference (ADC), , 110-122, 2016. |
11. | R. M. Reza, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, "Group Processing of Simultaneous Shortest Path Queries in Road Networks", 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), , 128-133, 2015. |
12. | Tanzima Hashem, Shudip Datta, Tanzir Ul Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, A Unified Framework for Authenticating Privacy Preserving Location Based Services, 2nd International {ACM} Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data, GeoRich@SIGMOD, , 13-18, 2015. |
13. | Radi Muhammad Reza, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, Group Processing of Simultaneous Shortest Path Queries in Road Networks, 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), , 128-133, 2015. |
14. | A. K. M. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Tanzima Hashem, Optimal mobile facility localization, 23rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), , 72:1-72:4, 2015. |
15. | Tanzima Hashem, Sukarna Barua, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Efficient Computation of Trips with Friends and Families, 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), , , 2015. |
16. | Samiha Samrose Mumu, Tanzima Hashem, Sukarna Barua, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Hafiz Uddin, Iftekhar Mahmud, Efficient Computation of Group Optimal Sequenced Routes in Road Networks, 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, , , 2015. |
17. | Nusrat Sultana, Tanzima Hashem, Lars Kulik, Group nearest neighbor queries in the presence of obstacles, 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL), , 481-484, 2014. |
18. | Hossain Mahmud, Ashfaq Mahmood Amin, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, Sarana Nutanong, A Group Based Approach for Path Queries in Road Networks, 13th international symposium on spatial and temporal databases (SSTD 2013), , , 2013. |
19. | Tanzima Hashem, Tahrima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Group Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases, 13th international symposium on spatial and temporal databases (SSTD 2013), , , 2013. |