3 Credit Hour Course
Intended For Level 0 Term 0 Students
Classical Cryptography: Introduction to simple cryptosystems, Cryptanalysis; Shannon's Theory: Perfect secrecy, Entropy, Product cryptosystems; Data Encryption Standard: Description of DES, Differential cryptanalysis; RSA System and Factoring: Public-key cryptography, RSA cryptosystem, Attacks on RSA, Factroing algorithms; Other Public-key cryptosystems: ElGamal cryptosystem and discrete logs, Merkle-Hellman Knapsack System; Signature Schemes: ElGamal signature schemes, Digital signature standard, Fail-stop signatures; Hash Functions: Signatures and Hash functions, Collision-free Hash functions, Birthday attack; Key Distribution and Key Agreement: Key predistribution, Kerboros, Diffie-Hellman key exchange; Identification Schemes: Schnorr identification scheme, Okamoto identification schemes; Authentication Codes: Computing deception probabilities, Combinatorial bounds, Entropy bounds; Secret Sharing Schemes: Shamir threshold scheme, Access structure and general secret sharing; Pseudo-random Number Generation: Indistinguishable probability distribution, probabilistic encryption; Zero-knowledge proofs: Interactive proof systems, computational Zero-knowledge proofs.