1. Introduction and Literature Review: (<=2.5 Mins)
a. Present a succinct introduction on the problem and give some preliminaries
b. Highlight research gaps (and hence core contributions): a gap-contribution mapping may be presented here.
c. When discussing literature, mention
2. Objective and Outcome: (< 1.5 mins)
a. Follow the thesis proposal and present briefly.
b. Link the objective to the outcomes (preferably through a pictorial mapping)
3. Methods (<=5 Mins)
a. Present the methodology succinctly. Should include, but not be limited to the following (as and when appropriate):
1) methodological components: Strongly recommended to add a schematic diagram of the methods.
2) datasets and experimental design (if appropriate).
3) Proof/Algorithmic idea/sketch (if appropriate).
4) evaluation metrics and plan of comparison.
4. Preliminary results (Optional; only if time permits)
a. You may present some results. NOT NECESSARY
5. Conclusion (< 1 min)
6. Back-up slides should be ready in case more explanation/information is sought by the members