01 Jan 1980
The Opening Ceremony of the Renovation of IT Training Lab, Internet Lounge, and Seminar Room of the Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center (IAC)
The Opening Ceremony of the Renovation of IT Training Lab, Internet Lounge, and Seminar Room of the Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center (IAC) of the Department of CSE, BUET was held at 10:00 am on the 17th December, 2012 at the Seminar Room of IAC. Hon. Doyeon Won, Councilor and DCM, Korean Embassy, was present as the chief guest on the occasion. Hon. KIM, Kyung Sub, Vice President, NIA and Hon. Kamal U Ahmed, Additional Secretary, Ministry of ICT were present as the special guests in the ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Prof. Dr. A. S. M. Latiful Hoque, Head, Department of CSE, BUET. IAC is a pioneer of Information Technology training in Bangladesh. IAC is designed to create an environment so that the public benefit from IT and to give local inhabitants IT utilization opportunity and to promote IT cooperation between countries. Over the years IAC has trained hundreds of technical personnel. The renovation was performed by National Information Society Agency (NIA) of Korea. With this renovation IAC hopes to improve the level of service provided to its students and thus have more of an impact in developing the IT sector of Bangladesh.