Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center, Department of CSE, BUET


Application Open [Batch 31]

Apply for Admission
Admission deadline: (Batch 31)

Upcoming Courses (Batch 31)

Applied Machine Learning
Business Analytics
Introduction to Python

IAC Facility Booking
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Online Application for 31th batch of IAC Courses

Online Application Link

Please read the information below before applying.

Course Information

The following training courses will be conducted in the 30th batch.

Course Code Course Title Duration Course Fee Course Details Prerequisite
IAC-PL-Python Introduction to Python 3 Weeks*
Sat, Tues
7,000/= Details N/A
IAC-AI-AML Applied Machine Learning 8 Weeks*
Sat, Tues
17,000/= Details Python Programming Knowledge Or,
Introduction to Python Course
IAC-DATA-BA Business Analytics 8 Weeks*
Sat, Tues
17,000/= Details Python Programming Knowledge Or,
Introduction to Python Course

* 3.00 hours (5:30PM - 8:30 PM) per day, 2 days per week

* All classes will be held physically at IAC, CSE, BUET. Certificates will be provided to participants who successfully complete the course and obtain pass marks in the examination.

Direct Admission of Candidates

Applicants having following criteria can get direct admission to IAC Courses without any selection test

Criteria for non-programming courses

Graduates or students of any field of Engineering/Science.
Professionals working in the field related to science and engineering.
Professionals working in any field having a recommendation for the training from the employer.

Criteria for programming courses

Graduates or students in the field of Engineering/Science having some knowledge in a programming language.
Professionals working in the field related to information and communication technology.
Professionals working in any field having a recommendation for the training from the employer.

*If you do not meet any of the above requirements, then you have to appear at a selection test so that we can judge your eligibility for your chosen course. We hope this selection test will not deter you from applying.

Step 1: Submit Online Application

1. Application must be submitted online using the link given below. Application can be submitted online using the browsing facilities at IAC, free of cost.
2. After online submission, an application receipt with application serial number will be generated automatically in pdf format. Please keep this serial number for further reference..
3. Submit the printed copy of the application receipt, non-refundable application fee of Tk 300/-(cash), and the following documents to IAC (Ground Floor, ECE Building, West Palashi), Dept of CSE, BUET during office hour (9.00AM-5.00PM, Saturday to Wednesday) on or before the submission deadline..

* One copy of passport size photograph, .
* Copy of the HSC certificate,.
* Copy of relevant documents (e.g., marksheet, gradesheet, recommendation from employer, proof of employment, etc.) proving the eligibility for direct admission (if applicable)..

Online Application Link

4.You can access your application receipt any time using the serial number and date of birth.
Access to Application Receipt

Step 2.a: Direct Admission of Candidates

Applicants having following criteria can get direct admission to IAC Courses without any selection test.

Criteria for non-programming courses
Graduates or students of any field of Engineering/Science.
Professionals working in the field related to science and engineering.
Professionals working in any field having a recommendation for the training from the employer.

Criteria for programming courses
Graduates or students in the field of Engineering/Science having some knowledge in a programming language.
Professionals working in the field related to information and communication technology.
Professionals working in any field having a recommendation for the training from the employer.

Step 2.b: Selection Test for Candidates Not Fulfilling Step 2.a

A selection test will be held to select candidates suitable for admission in the courses of IAC. The selection test will be based on the following topics:

Syllabus & Format of Selection Test for Basic Courses
Basic aptitude test on mathematical and analytical skills (HSC levels) as well as general knowledge on computer related stuff.
Format: MCQ. Each question carries 1 mark. No negative marking. A total of 50 questions as follows:
a. 25 Marks for Mathematical and Analytical Skills
b. 15 Marks for Basic Computer Knowledge Questions
c. 10 Marks for English Comprehension Questions [a Passage will be given and the examinees will have to answer 10 1-mark MCQ questions based on the passage]

Syllabus of Selection Test for Advanced Courses
Basic programming concepts: Flow charts, data types, operators, expressions, statements, control statements, functions, array.

Step 3: Final Admission Procedure

For students fulfilling direct admission criteria:
1. Submit application receipt along with revelant documents (proof of eligibility for direct admission) to IAC.
2. Make a Bank Draft / Pay Order in favor of "Director, BRTC, BUET" from any bank as per course fee (non-refundable).
3. Submit the bank draft/pay order at IAC and complete the admission procedure.

For other participants (Admission after selection test):
1. Make a Bank Draft / Pay Order in favor of "Director, BRTC, BUET" from any bank as per course fee (non-refundable) after getting selection test result.
2. Submit the bank draft/pay order at IAC and complete the admission procedure.

Training Center

Bangladesh Korea Information Access Center (IAC)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
ECE Building (Ground Floor)
West Palashi (New Campus of BUET), BUET

Further Query

Email: iac.csebuet@gmail.com, iac@cse.buet.ac.bd
Phone: 880-2-8618344-49 Ext-6438, Mobile : 01670 032959 (IAC Staff)