Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center, Department of CSE, BUET


Application Open [Batch 30]

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Admission deadline: (Batch 30)

Batch 30 Courses

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Course Detail:

Course Title: Business Analytics


The Business Analytics course at the Information Access Center (IAC) is designed for professionals looking to enhance their skills in utilizing data for strategic decision-making in the business world. This comprehensive course covers various aspects of business analytics, from Python fundamentals to advanced machine learning model development and real-world case studies.

  • To equip participants with the fundamental skills of Python programming for data analysis.
  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of data handling, preprocessing, and wrangling techniques.
  • To delve into exploratory data analysis (EDA) and visualization using Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn.
  • To introduce hypothesis testing and regression analysis for making informed business decisions.
  • To apply analytics skills through case studies in stock analysis, investment study, and other real-world scenarios.
Outcome of the Learning

Upon successful completion of the Business Analytics course, participants will be able to:

  • Master Python fundamentals for data analysis, including variables, loops, arrays, functions, strings, and file handling.
  • Efficiently handle, preprocess, and wrangle data using Python libraries like Numpy and Pandas.
  • Conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) using descriptive statistics, groupby operations, and correlation studies.
  • Create visualizations for data interpretation, including histograms, box plots, KDE plots, violin plots, pair plots, bar plots, and pie charts.
  • Perform hypothesis testing using 17 statistical tests and understand the principles of regression analysis.
  • Develop and evaluate machine learning models using Scikit-Learn.
  • Apply analytics skills to real-world scenarios through case studies in stock analysis, investment study, and more.
Tentative Class Schedule

The course length will be 8 weeks with two classes in each week and 3 hours in each class. The tentative lecture plan of the course is as follows:

Class# Content
1 Python Fundamentals (Environment setup, Variables, Loop, Array, Function, String, File)
2 Python Fundamentals for Data Analysis (Numpy, Pandas)
3 Data Handling - Loading, Preprocessing and Wrangling
4 Python Advanced for Data Analysis - Matplotlib, Seaborn
5 Exploratory Data Analysis, EDA - I Descriptive Statistics, GroupBy, Correlation Study
6 Data Visualization and EDA - II Histogram, Box Plot, KDE Plot, Violin Plot, Pairplot, Bar Plot, Pie Chart Assignment 1 on Data Analysis (Preprocessing, EDA, Visualization)
7 Hypothesis Testing - 17 statistical tests for formulating, testing and validating hypothesis (using python)
8 Evaluation of Assignment 1
9 Single Variable Linear Regression and Multiple Regression
10 Trends and Sessionality Analysis, Time Series Analysis (ARIMA, RNN) Assignment 2 on Hypothesis Testing and Regression Analysis
11 Machine Learning model development and evaluation using Scikit-Learn
12 Case Study 1 - Stock Analysis
13 Case Study 2 - Investment Study (Risk and Return)
14 Evaluation of Assignment 2
15 Excel Blitz - Analyzing business data in Excel
16 Final Exam
Learning and Evaluation Method
  • Classes will be conducted in a multimedia-equipped environment.
  • Expert faculty members from the field of Business Analytics will lead each class.
  • Participants will have access to PCs for practical exercises, ensuring an interactive learning experience.
  • Evaluation will take place through assignments and case-study.
  • We will provide a certificate upon successfully passing this course.

Further Query

Email: iac@cse.buet.ac.bd
Phone: 9665650-80 Ext-6438, mobile : 01741 686742