Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center, Department of CSE, BUET


Application Open [Batch 31]

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Admission deadline: (Batch 31)

Upcoming Courses (Batch 31)

Applied Machine Learning
Business Analytics
Introduction to Python

IAC Facility Booking
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Course Detail:

Course Name: Introduction to Python


The Introduction to Python course at the Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center (BK-IAC) is designed for beginners and professionals aiming to learn the basics of Python programming. It covers essential programming concepts, data structures, and an introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Participants will gain hands-on experience with Python, which is a powerful, easy-to-learn, and widely used programming language. This course will serve as a foundational step for learning Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs), Business Analytics, and related fields.

  • To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of Python programming.
  • To equip participants with essential skills for working with variables, data types, and functions in Python.
  • To introduce data structures such as lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.
  • To explore basic programming concepts like conditional statements, loops, and built-in functions.
  • To introduce Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Python.
  • To demonstrate practical implementation through assignments and projects.

This course is suitable for beginners with no prior programming experience. A basic understanding of computer operations is recommended. If you have prior programming experience, this course will serve as a quick introduction to Python.

Tentative Class Schedule

The course length will be 3 weeks with two classes in each week and 3 hours in each class. The tentative lecture plan of the course is as follows:

Class# Content
1 Motivation for Learning Python, Introduction to Python, Introduction to Notebook (e.g., Jupyter Notebook)
2 Variables in Python, Numbers, Booleans, Strings, Comments
3 Functions, User Input, Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical), Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
4 Conditional Statements (`if`, `elif`, `else`), Loop Statements (`for` and `while` loops)
5 Built-in Functions in Python, `range`, `enumerate`, `zip`, `filter`, `map`, Introduction to OOP
6 OOP Advanced (Inheritance, Polymorphism), Future Directions, Concluding Remarks and Q&A
Learning and Evaluation Method
  • Classes will be conducted in a multimedia-equipped environment.
  • Expert faculty members from the field of Computer Science will lead each class.
  • All instructors are faculty members from the Department of CSE, BUET.
  • Participants will have access to PCs for practical exercises, ensuring an interactive learning experience.
  • An evaluation will take place through assignments and a final project at the end of the course.
  • We will provide a certificate upon successfully passing this course.
Further Query

Email: iac@cse.buet.ac.bd
Phone: 9665650-80 Ext-6438
Mobile: 01670032959