Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center, Department of CSE, BUET


Application Open [Batch 30]

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Admission deadline: (Batch 30)

Batch 30 Courses

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Course Detail:

Course Name: Microsoft SQL Server Database Management and Administration


The Microsoft SQL Server Database Management and Administration (MSSQL-DMA) course offered from Information Access Center (IAC) is an essential database course for database professionals who want to have a strong foundation and expertise in the industry's most advanced database management system.

  • To develop skills for efficiently managing and administering an MSSQL Server database.
  • To manage the industry's most advanced information systems which will help to gain access to better career opportunities
Outcome of the Learning

Students completing this course successfully will be able to -

  • Gain a conceptual understanding of the MSSQL Server database architecture and how its components work and interact with one another.
  • Install and maintain a MSSQL Server database.
  • Create an operational database and properly manage the various structures in an effective and efficient manner.
  • Effectively learn performance monitoring, database security, user management, and backup/recovery techniques.
  • Earn skills required for working with basic SQL.
  • Use advanced features of SQL in order to query and manipulate data within the database.
  • Control privileges at the object and system level, and use advanced querying and reporting techniques.
  • Earn skills required for Backup, User Management, Replication.
Class Schedule

The course length will be 8 weeks with two classes in each week and 3 hours in each class.

Class Contents
Section 1: Introduction
  • Introduction to Database
  • What is SQL?
  • Introduction to MS SQL Server
  • Prerequisites for MSSQL Installation
  • Download MSSQL and SQL Server Management Studio
  • Install and Configure MSSQL
  • Install SQL Server Management Studio
  • Download and Install AdventureWorks Database
Section 2: Database Fundamentals and Design
  • What is Data and Database?
  • How is data stored?
  • What is a Table, COLUMN, and ROW?
  • What is a key? primary, foreign, unique keys, etc.
  • What is Relational Database and RDBMS?
  • What is a Transaction and ACID properties?
  • Database Normalization and Different forms of Database Normalization
  • Create your first Database, Table, and Populate table with data
Section 3: Introduction to SQL Commands
  • Welcome to Basic SQL Commands
  • What is a SQL Statement and types of SQL statements
  • DML Statement with examples
  • DDL Statements with examples
  • DCL Statement with examples
  • TCL Statement with examples
Section 4: Query and Manipulation of Data using SQL
  • Create TABLE(s) and Temp Table(s)
  • What Is a View?
  • SELECT Statement in detail
  • Operators, Expressions, and Conditions
  • Select from two tables – JOINS
  • Different Types of JOINS
  • What is a Sub Query?
  • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and Truncate Statements
  • What is a Stored Procedure?
  • Function, Trigger, and INDEX
  • Clustered, Non-clustered Indexes and Index Design Considerations
  • Index Fragmentation and Lab for Index
Section 5: Microsoft SQL Database Administration
  • Overview of MSSQL Management Tools
  • Exploring SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • Exploring SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • MSSQL System Databases, DO's and DONT's of System databases
  • What is master, etmpdb, msdb and other system databases?
Section 6: Deep Dive into MSSQL Working
  • What are Pages, Extents, Page Architecture and PFS?
  • MSSQL Architecture
  • MSSQL Database Architecture
  • Operation and working of transaction log
  • Configuring user Database
  • Best practices while creating user Database
Section 7: MSSQL Backup and Restore
  • Backup of a Database, Importance for DBA and Different Media used for Backups
  • Recovery Models in MSSQL and how that impact backups and restore
  • Full and differential backups
  • Transaction Log Backups, Log Backup Chain and Tail-log Backup
  • Lab for Full, Differential, and Transaction Log Backups
  • Restore and Recovery Overview
  • Full, Differential, and Transaction Log database restore
  • Point-in-time restore of a database
  • Complete Backup, Restore, and Restore in Time Lab
  • MS SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB command
  • Page Level Restore / Recovery using Full Backups
  • Creating Maintenance Plan Backups/Re-indexing etc.
Section 8: MSSQL User Management
  • MSSQL Security Model
  • MSSQL Server Authentication Modes
  • Server Logins
  • Server Roles
  • Database Users
  • Database Roles
  • Permissions (GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE)
Section 9: MSSQL Server Agent Management
  • SQL Server Agent Introduction
  • SQL Server Agent Jobs and Schedules
  • Agent Alerts
  • Operators
  • Database Mail
  • Activity Monitor
Section 10: Advanced SQL Server Administration Topics
  • High Availability and its Types
  • What Is Replication and Transactional Replication
  • Transactional Replication Setup
Learning and Evaluation Method
  • The classroom will be equipped with a multimedia projector.
  • One faculty member from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), BUET will take each class.
  • Each student will have access to a PC for proper practice, and the class size will not exceed 35 students.
  • A final exam will be held at the end of the course.
  • We will provide a certificate upon successfully passing this course.

Further Query

Email: iac@cse.buet.ac.bd
Phone: 9665650-80 Ext-6438, mobile : 01741 686742