Graduate Academic Evaluation

Grade Merit Description Grade Points Numerical Markings
A+ Excellent 4.0 90% and above
A Very Good 3.5 80% to below 90%
B+ Good 3.0 70% to below 80%%
B Average 2.5 60% to below 70%
C Pass 2.0 50% to below 60%
F Failure 0.00 Below 50%
I Incomplete - -
S Satisfactory - -
U Unsatisfactory - -
W Withdraw - -


» Courses in which the student gets F grades shall not be counted towards credit hour requirements and for the calculation of GPA
» Grade I is given only when a student is unable to sit for the examination of a course at the end of the semester because of situations beyond his control. He must apply to the Head within one week after the examination to get an I grade.
» Student may enroll for noncredit courses termed as audit courses on recommendation of his thesis/project supervisor and Head of the department. However his grade for such courses will not be counted for his GPA.
» Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory- used only as final grades for thesis/project and noncredit courses. Grade for thesis/project “In Progress” shall be so recorded. If, however, thesis/project is discontinued an I grade shall be recorded.
» A student may withdraw from a course within two working weeks of the commencement of the semester or else his grade in that course shall be recorded as F unless he is eligible to get a grade of I. A student may be permitted to withdraw and change his course within the specified period with the approval of his adviser.
» Numerical markings may be made in the answer scripts, tests, etc. but all final grading to be reported to the controller of Examination shall be in the letter grade system.