Dr. Mohammed Eunus Ali (ডঃ মোহাম্মদ ইউনুস আলী)
eunus AT cse DOT buet DOT ac DOT bd, mohammed.eunus.ali AT gmail DOT com+880 2 9665612
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
West Palasi, Dhaka 1000
Ph.D. in Engineering, 2010
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
University of Melbourne, Australia
M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2002
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, 1999
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Research Interest
Spatio-temporal databases
AI and Machine learning
Data Science
Journal Article
1. | Benzir Md Ahmed, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Mehedy Masud, Mohammed Raihan Azad, and Mahmuda Naznin, After-Meal Blood Glucose Level Prediction for Type-2 Diabetic Patients, Heliyon, Elsevier, (Impact Factor- 4), 10, 2024. DOI |
2. | Benzir Md Ahmed, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Mehedy Masud, Mahmuda Naznin, Recent Trends and Techniques of Blood Glucose Level Prediction for Diabetes Control, Smart Health, Elsevier,, 32, 1-30, 2024. DOI |
3. | Ammar Sohail, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Adel N Toosi, Hesham A Rakha, Data-driven approaches for road safety: A comprehensive systematic literature review, Safety science, 158, 105949, 2023. DOI |
4. | Nur Al Hasan Haldar, Jianxin Li, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Taotao Cai, Yunliang Chen, Timos Sellis, Mark Reynolds, Top-k Socio-Spatial Co-Engaged Location Selection for Social Users, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35, 5325-5340, 2023. DOI |
5. | Jamalia Sultana, Benzir Md Ahmed, Mohammad Mehedy Masud, A. K. Obidul Huq, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mahmuda Naznin, A Study on Food Value Estimation From Images: Taxonomies, Datasets, and Techniques., IEEE Access, (IF- 3.47), 11, 45910-45935 , 2023. DOI |
6. | Md. Ashraful Islam and Mir Mahathir Mohammad and Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi Das and Mohammed Eunus Ali, A survey on deep learning based Point-of-Interest POI recommendations, Neurocomputing, 472, 306-325, 2022. DOI |
7. | Md Ashraful Islam, Mir Mahathir Mohammad, Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi Das, Mohammed Eunus Ali, A survey on deep learning based Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendations, Neurocomputing, 472, 306--325, 2022. DOI |
8. | Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Salekul Islam, Swakkhar Shatabda, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Akib Zaman, Predicting academic performance: Analysis of students’ mental health condition from social media interactions, Behavioral Sciences, 12, 87, 2022. DOI |
9. | Das Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi and Shanto Subangkar Karmaker and Rahman Masum and Islam Md Saiful and Rahman Atif Hasan and Masud Mohammad M and Ali Mohammed Eunus, BayesBeat: Reliable Atrial Fibrillation Detection from Noisy Photoplethysmography Data, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive Mobile Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6, 1--21, 2022. |
10. | Md Saiful Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Yong-Bin Kang, Timos Sellis, Farhana M Choudhury, Shamik Roy, Keyword aware influential community search in large attributed graphs, Information Systems, 104, 101914, 2022. DOI |
11. | Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Ahmed Shahriar Sakib, Md Adnanul Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Mumshad Ahamed Rifat, Friends’ influence driven users’ value change prediction from social media usage, SBP-BRiMS, 2021. |
12. | Lingxiao Li, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Hua Lu, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Adel N Toosi, Comparing Alternative Route Planning Techniques, Comparing Alternative Route Planning Techniques: A Comparative User Study on Melbourne, Dhaka and Copenhagen Road Networks, 34, 5552 - 5557, 2021. DOI |
13. | Sajid Hasan Apon, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Bishwamittra Ghosh, Timos Sellis, Social-spatial group queries with keywords, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS), 8, 1--32, 2021. DOI |
14. | Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi Das, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Yuan-Fang Li, Yong-Bin Kang, Timos Sellis, Boosting house price predictions using geo-spatial network embedding, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 35, 2221--2250, 2021. |
15. | Ahmed Shahriar Sakib, Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Fariha Rowshan Huda, AKM Najmul Islam, Tohedul Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Identifying insomnia from social media posts: psycholinguistic analyses of user tweets, Journal of medical Internet research, 23, e27613, 2021. |
16. | Muhammed Mas-ud Hussain, Mir Imtiaz Mostafiz, S. M. Farabi Mahmud, Goce Trajcevski, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Conditional MaxRS Query for Evolving Spatial Data, Frontiers Big Data, 3, 20, 2020. |
17. | Samia Nawshin, Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Mohammed Eunus Ali, A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Modeling Weather-Aware Prediction of User Activities and Future Visits, IEEE Access, 8, 105127--105138, 2020. DOI |
18. | Chowdhury Rafeed Rahman, Preetom Saha Arko, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Ashik Iqbal Khan, Sajid Hasan Apon, Farzana Nowrin, Abu Wasif, Identification and recognition of rice diseases and pests using convolutional neural networks, Biosystems Engineering, 194, 112-120, 2020. DOI |
19. | Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, Temporal modeling of basic human values from social network usage, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 70(2): 151-163 (2019, 151-163, 2019. DOI |
20. | N. I. Tripto, M. Nahar, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Farhana Murtaza Choudhury, J. Shane Culpepper, Timos Sellis, Top-k trajectories with the best view, GeoInformatica, 17, 2019. DOI |
21. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, The Flexible Socio Spatial Group Queries, PVLDB, 12, 99-111, 2018. DOI |
22. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, Shadman Saqib Eusuf, Kaysar Abdullah, Farhana M. Choudhury, J. Shane Culpepper, Timos Sellis, The Maximum Trajectory Coverage Query in Spatial Databases, Proc. VLDB Endow., 12, 197--209, 2018. DOI |
23. | Chaluka Salgado, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Continuous monitoring of range spatial keyword query over moving objects, World Wide Web Journal, 2017. DOI |
24. | Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, Identifying and validating personality traits-based homophilies for an egocentric network, Social Netw. Analys. Mining 6, 6 (1), 1-16, 2016. |
25. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, Egemen Tanin, Peter Scheuermann, Sarana Nutanong, Lars Kulik, Spatial Consensus Queries in a Collaborative Environment, ACM Trans. Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 2, 3, 2016. |
26. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, Saif-ul-Islam Khan, Sharowar Md. Shahriar Khan, Md Nasim, Spatio-temporal keyword search for nearest neighbour queries, J. Location Based Services, 9, 113-137, 2015. |
27. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, E. Tanin, R. Zhang, R. Kotagiri, Probabilistic Voronoi Diagrams for Probabilistic Moving Nearest Neighbor Queries, the DKE Journal (Impact Factor: 1.852)., 75, 1-33, 2012. |
28. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, R. Zhang, E. Tanin, L. Kulik, A Motion-Aware Approach for Efficient Evaluation of Continuous Queries on 3D Object Databases, VLDB Journal. (Impact Factor: 6.8)., 19, 603-632, 2010. |
29. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, ISA 2016 workshop report: the Eighth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA, ACM SIGSPATIAL Special, 9, 0000. |
Conference Article
1. | Md. Ashraful Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Md Rizwan Parvez, CODESIM: Multi-Agent Code Generation and Problem Solving through Simulation-Driven Planning and Debugging, NAACL 2025 Findings, 2025. DOI |
2. | Md. Ashraful Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Md Rizwan Parvez, MapCoder: Multi-Agent Code Generation for Competitive Problem Solving, ACL 2024 Main Conference, 2024. DOI |
3. | Yeasir Rayhan, Tanzima Hashem, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Hua Lu, Mohammed Eunus Ali, An Efficient Approach for Indoor Facility Location Selection, Proceedings 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 632--644, 2023. DOI |
4. | Md. Tareq Mahmood, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Syed Md Mukit Rashid, Timos Sellis, PathOracle: A Deep Learning Based Trip Planner for Daily Commuters, Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 571--586, 2023. DOI |
5. | Mohaimenul Azam Khan Raiaan, Abdullah Al Mamun, Md Adnanul Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Envy prediction from users’ photos using convolutional neural networks, 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 1--7, 2023. DOI |
6. | Khandker Aftarul Islam, Tanzima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tasin Ishmam, Aniruddha Ganguly, Madhusudan Basak, Nusrat Jahan, Sajida Rahman Danny, Online Detection of Attentiveness of Students with Special Needs, 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2022. DOI |
7. | Mahjabin Nahar, Mohammed Eunus Ali, A Deep Ensemble Approach of Anger Detection from Audio-Textual Conversations, 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII, 1--8, 2022. DOI |
8. | Md. Tareq Mahmood, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Syed Md. Mukit Rashid, Timos Sellis, PathOracle - A Deep Learning Based Trip Planner for Daily Commuters, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 2022. |
9. | Shadman Saqib Eusuf and Kazi Ashik Islam and Mohammed Eunus Ali and Sifat Muhammad Abdullah and Abdus Salam Azad, A Web-Based System for Efficient Contact Tracing Query in a Large Spatio-Temporal Database, SIGSPATIAL, 473--476, 2020. DOI |
10. | Sameera Jayaratna and Timos Sellis and Caslon Chua and Mohammed Eunus Ali, A Unified Approach to Quantitatively Measure the Similarity of Computer Science Units in Australia, FIE, 1--8, 2020. DOI |
11. | Bushra Hossain and Kazi Abir Adnan and Md. Fazle Rabbi and Mohammed Eunus Ali, Modelling Road Traffic Congestion from Trajectories, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology, 117--122, 2020. |
12. | Euna Mehnaz Khan and Md. Saddam Hossain Mukta and Mohammed Eunus Ali and Jalal Mahmud, Predicting Users' Movie Preference and Rating Behavior from Personality and Values, ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst., 10, 22:1--22:25, 2020. DOI |
13. | Shadman Saqib Eusuf, Kazi Ashik Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Sifat Muhammad Abdullah, Abdus Salam Azad, A Web-Based System for Efficient Contact Tracing Query in a Large Spatio-Temporal Database, SIGSPATIAL '20: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 473–476, 2020. DOI |
14. | Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi Das, Syed Md. Mukit Rashid, Mohammed Eunus Ali, CCCNet: An Attention Based Deep Learning Framework for Categorized Counting of Crowd in Different Body States, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020. |
15. | Lingxiao Li and Muhammad Aamir Cheema and Mohammed Eunus Ali and Hua Lu and David Taniar, Continuously Monitoring Alternative Shortest Paths on Road Networks, Proc. VLDB Endow., 13, 2243--2255, 2020. |
16. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Tanzima Hashem, The Maximum Visibility Facility Selection Query in Spatial Databases, 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 149–158, 2019. DOI |
17. | Hasan Murad, N. I. Tripto, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Developing a Bangla Currency Recognizer for Visually Impaired People, TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND DEVELOPMENT (ICTD ’19), 5 pages, 2019. DOI |
18. | Tamjid Al Rahat, Arif Arman, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Maximizing reverse k-nearest neighbors for trajectories, Databases Theory and Applications: 29th Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2018, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, May 24-27, 2018, Proceedings 29, 262--274, 2018. DOI |
19. | N. I. Tripto, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Detecting Multilabel Sentiment and Emotions from Bangla YouTube Comments, International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing (ICBSLP), 1-6, 2018. DOI |
20. | Mas-ud Hussain, Goce Trajcevski, Kashik Islam, Eunus Ali, Towards efficient maintenance of continuous maxrs query for trajectories, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,EDBT 2017, 496--501, 2017. DOI |
21. | Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Euna Mehnaz Khan, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, Predicting Movie Genre Preferences from Personality and Values of Social Media Users, Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 11, 624--627, 2017. DOI |
22. | Ashraful Hakim, Tanzima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Quantification and Prediction Models for the Impact of POIs on Road Traffic Congestion in Developing Countries, Ninth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), 9:1-9:11, 2017. |
23. | Tanzima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Trip Planning and Scheduling Queries in Spatial Databases: A Survey, Big Data Analytics - 5th International Conference (BDA), 164-178, 2017. |
24. | S. Ahmad, Rafi Kamal, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jianzhong Qo, Peter Scheuermann, Egemen Tanin, The Flexible Group Spatial Keyword Query, ADC LNCS, 2017. DOI |
25. | Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, User generated vs. supported contents: Which one can better predict basic human values?, Social Informatics: 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA, USA, November 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part II 8, 454--470, 2016. DOI |
26. | Annajiat Alim Rasel, Mohammed Eunus Ali, UProve2: privacy-aware, scalable, ubiquitous provenance to enhance file search, 2016 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS), 1--5, 2016. DOI |
27. | C. M. R. Haider, Arif Arman, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Farhana Farhana Murtaza Choudhury, Continuous Maximum Visibility Query for a Moving Target, Australasian Database Conference (ADC), 82--94, 2016. |
28. | Tanzima Hashem, Tahrima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Trip Planning Queries for Subgroups in Spatial Databases, 27th Australasian Database Conference (ADC), 110-122, 2016. |
29. | Md Mahabur Rahman, Md Taskir Hasan Majumdar, Md Saddam Hossain, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, Can we predict eat-out preference of a person from tweets?, WebSci, 350-351, 2016. |
30. | Md Rizwan Parvez, Turash Mosharraf, Mohammed Eunus Ali, A Novel Approach to Identify Spatio-Temporal Crime Pattern in Dhaka City, ICTD, 41, 2016. |
31. | Shamim Hasnath, Mohammed Eunus Ali, M. K. Abdullah, S. M. Farhad, AutoCadroid: An Automated Tool for Building Smartphone Indoor Navigation System, 27th Australasian Database Conference (ADC) 2016, 2016. |
32. | R. M. Reza, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, "Group Processing of Simultaneous Shortest Path Queries in Road Networks", 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 128-133, 2015. |
33. | H. Dev, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, T. Sen, M. Basak, Rajshakhar Paul, A Real-Time Crowd-Powered Testbed for Content Assessment of Potential Social Media Posts, The 7th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo), 2015. |
34. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, Shabnam Basera Rishta, Lazima Ansari, Tanzima Hashem, Ahamad Imtiaz Khan, SafeStreet: empowering women against street harassment using a privacy-aware location based application, 7h International Conference on Informatio and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), 24:1-24:4, 2015. |
35. | Tanzima Hashem, Shudip Datta, Tanzir Ul Islam, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, A Unified Framework for Authenticating Privacy Preserving Location Based Services, 2nd International {ACM} Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data, GeoRich@SIGMOD, 13-18, 2015. |
36. | Radi Muhammad Reza, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, Group Processing of Simultaneous Shortest Path Queries in Road Networks, 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 128-133, 2015. |
37. | Hasan Al Maruf, Nagib Meshkat, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Jalal Mahmud, Human behaviour in different social medias: A case study of Twitter and Disqus, ASONAM, 270-273, 2015. |
38. | Tanzima Hashem, Sukarna Barua, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Efficient Computation of Trips with Friends and Families, 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2015. |
39. | Samiha Samrose Mumu, Tanzima Hashem, Sukarna Barua, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Hafiz Uddin, Iftekhar Mahmud, Efficient Computation of Group Optimal Sequenced Routes in Road Networks, 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2015. |
40. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, Anika Anwar, Lars Kulik, Ishrat Ahmed, Egemen Tanin, Protecting mobile users from visual privacy attacks, the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp Adjunct, 13-17, 2014. |
41. | H. Dev, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanmoy Sen, M. Basak, AntiqueData: A Proxy to Maintain Computational Transparency in Cloud, The Third International Workshop on Data Management for Emerging Network Infrastructure (DaMEN), DASFAA-14, 256-267, 2014. |
42. | H. Dev, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, User Interaction Based Community Detection in Online Social Networks, 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 296-310, 2014. |
43. | Tanzima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Anthony Quattrone, Protecting Privacy for Group Nearest Neighbor Queries with Crowdsourced Data and Computing, the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2013. |
44. | Hossain Mahmud, Ashfaq Mahmood Amin, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, Sarana Nutanong, A Group Based Approach for Path Queries in Road Networks, 13th international symposium on spatial and temporal databases (SSTD 2013), 2013. |
45. | Tanzima Hashem, Tahrima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Group Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases, 13th international symposium on spatial and temporal databases (SSTD 2013), 2013. |
46. | S. Masud, F. M. Choudhury, Mohammed Eunus Ali, S. Nutanong, Maximum Visibility Queries in Spatial Databases, ICDE, 2013. |
47. | H. Dev, T. Sen, M. Basak, Mohammed Eunus Ali, An Approach to Protect the Privacy of Cloud Data from Data Mining Based Attacks, 3rd International Workshop on Data Intensive Computing in the Clouds (Datacloud), 2012. |
48. | H. Dev, T. Sen, M. Basak, Mohammed Eunus Ali, An Approach to Protect the Privacy of Cloud Data from Data Mining Based Attacks, DataCloud (SC-12), 2012. |
49. | S. Nutanong, E. Tanin, Mohammed Eunus Ali, L. Kulik, Local Network Voronoi Diagram, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010,(Acceptance rate 20%)., 2010. |
50. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, E. Tanin, R. Zhang, L. Kulik, Load Balancing for Moving Object Management in a P2P Network, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2008, (Acceptance rate 16.6%)., 251-266, 2008. |
51. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, R. Zhang, E. Tanin, L. Kulik, A Motion-Aware Approach to Continuous Retrieval of 3D Objects, International Conference of Data Engineering. ICDE 2008, (Acceptance rate 12.1%)., 843-852, 2008. |
52. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, K. Mahbub, A. Iqbal, A Framework for Dynamic Composition of Web Services Using Static Look-Up Table, International Conference on Communications in Computing,, 167-176, 2005. |
53. | M.M. Haque, I.A. Sadi, Mohammed Eunus Ali, An Agent-based Architecture of a Distributed System for Performance Monitoring, 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT),, 2004. |
54. | Md. F. Rahman, Mohammed Eunus Ali, M. Z. Rahman, A Pragmatic Framework for Automated Unit Testing, 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), VOL. II, pp 850-855, 2003. |
55. | Mohammed Eunus Ali, A. Iqbal, MEAlloy : Multiple Inheritance and Encapsulation with Alloy, 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT),, VOL. II, pp 844-849., 2003. |