Dr. Mahmuda Naznin (ডঃ মাহমুদা নাজনীন)
mahmudanaznin@ cse.buet.ac.bd, mahmudanaznin@gmail.comhttps://sites.google.com/site/mahmudanaznin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Room No. 318, ECE Building
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
Ph.D. in Computer Science
North Dakota State University, USA
MS in Computer Science
North Dakota State University, USA
M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Research Interest
Deep Learning
Machine Cognition
Applied Algorithms
Human Computer Interactions
Sensors and IoT Network
Journal Article
1. | Rabina Awal, Mahmuda Naznin, Sarah Doll, Tanvir R. Faisal, Interpretable Machine Learning Classifiers for the Reliable Prediction of Fall Induced Hip Fracture Risk, Machine Leaning for Computaional Science and Engineering, Springer, 1, 2025. DOI |
2. | Rabina Awal, Mahmuda Naznin, Tanvir R. Faisal, Machine Learning Based Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Surrogate for Hip Fracture Risk Assessment and Visualization, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, (Impact Factor 7.5), 2025. |
3. | Benzir Md Ahmed, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Mehedy Masud, Mohammed Raihan Azad, and Mahmuda Naznin, After-Meal Blood Glucose Level Prediction for Type-2 Diabetic Patients, Heliyon, Elsevier, (Impact Factor- 4), 10, 2024. DOI |
4. | Benzir Md Ahmed, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mohammad Mehedy Masud, Mahmuda Naznin, Recent Trends and Techniques of Blood Glucose Level Prediction for Diabetes Control, Smart Health, Elsevier,, 32, 1-30, 2024. DOI |
5. | Jamalia Sultana, Mahmuda Naznin, Tanvir Md. Faisal, SSDL–An efficient automated semi-supervised deep learning approach for patient-specific 3D reconstruction of proximal femur from QCT images, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC), Springer, 1-17, (IF-3.2), 2024. DOI |
6. | Zakia Zaman, Fazle Rafsani, Ishrak R Rahman, Sabidur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, DeepVRM: Deep Learning Based Virtual Resource Management for Energy Efficiency, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Springer, (Impact Factor- 4.1),, 31, 23, 2023. DOI |
7. | Jamalia Sultana, Benzir Md Ahmed, Mohammad Mehedy Masud, A. K. Obidul Huq, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Mahmuda Naznin, A Study on Food Value Estimation From Images: Taxonomies, Datasets, and Techniques., IEEE Access, (IF- 3.47), 11, 45910-45935 , 2023. DOI |
8. | Sabidur Rahman, Nilton Seixas, Mahmuda Naznin, Gustavo B. Figueiredo, Automation of Photonic Networks Using Machine Learning: Case Studies and Future Works (Invited Paper), IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (Impact factor - 2.46), IEEE, October, 2021. DOI |
9. | Taslim Arefin Khan, Suraiya Tairin, Mahmuda Naznin, Zakirul Alam Bhuiya, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Advanced Communications in Cyber Physical Systems, Book: Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer , 1-60, 2020. DOI |
10. | Novia Nurain, Basir Sabquat Chowdhury, Tanzila Chowdhury, Suraiya Tairin, Marjan Ferdousi, Mahmuda Naznin, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Exlploring Network Performances of Wireless Nanonetworks Utililing Gains of Nano-Antennas of Different Types of Materials, Wireless Networks (Impact factor - 2.602), Springer, 25, 2651-2664, 2019. DOI |
11. | A. A. Rahman Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Energy Efficient Multiple Target Tracking Using Target Kinematics, Wireless Sensor Network, 3, 263-274, 2011. |
12. | Rakibul Haque, Mahmuda Naznin, STP: In-network Aggregation through Proximity Queries in Sensor Networks, Journal of Networks (JNW), 6, 8, 2010. |
13. | A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Md. Humayun Kabir, Mahmuda Naznin, Finding the Optimal Percentage of Cluster Heads from a New and Complete Mathematical Model on LEACH, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), 2, 41-52, 2010. |
14. | A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Md. Humayun Kabir, Mahmuda Naznin, Stable Sensor Network (SSN): A Dynamic Clustering Technique for Maximizing Stability in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), 2, 538-554, 2010. |
15. | Md. Saidur Rahman, Takao Nishizeki, Mahmuda Naznin, Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA), 7, 335-362, 2003. |
Conference Article
1. | Saadman Ahmed, Conrado Boeira, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Mahmuda Naznin, Israat Haque, A Fair Scheduling in 5G RAN using Q-Learning, IEEE ICC (accepted), 2025. |
2. | Jamalia Sultana, Mashiyat Nayeem, Mahmuda Naznin, Tanvir Md. Faisal, Semi-Supervised Learning Based Femur Segmentation from QCT Images, IEEE 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Florida, USA, December, 2023. DOI |
3. | Ms. Mina, Dipannoy Das Gupta, Mahmuda Naznin, LBCC: A Load Balanced Collaborative Caching in Content Based Networking, IEEE UEMCON, New York, USA, October, 2023. DOI |
4. | Fariha Tabassum Islam, Md. Tareq Mahmood, Mahmuda Naznin, MTUL: A Novel Approach for Multi-Trajectory User Linking, The 9th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security, ACM, 83--91, 2022. DOI |
5. | Jamalia Sultana, Mahmuda Naznin, Breaking the Barrier with a Multi-Domain SER, IEEE 46th COMPSAC, California, USA , 2022. DOI |
6. | Dipannoy Das Gupta, Pranta Biswas, Mahmuda Naznin, CacheQueue: Efficient Cache Queue Usage in a NDN, IEEE 46th COMPSAC , 2022. |
7. | Nabil Ibtehaz, Mahmuda Naznin, Determining Confused Brain Activity from EEG Sensor Signals, the 8th NSysS, ACM, 2021. |
8. | Nazia Hossain, Mahmuda Naznin, Finding Emotion from Multi-Lingual Voice Data (Best Paper Award), IEEE 44th COMPSAC, Madrid, Spain. , 1-10, 2020. DOI |
9. | Zakia Zaman, Md. Sabidur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, A Novel Approach for VNF Requirement Prediction Using DNN and LSTM, IEEE Globecom, Hawaii, USA, 1-7, 2019. DOI |
10. | Mayisha Alam, Novia Nurain, Suraiya Tairin, Mahmuda Naznin, and ABM Alim Al Islam, Conjugate congestion control based transport layer protocol for molecular communication in body area nanonetworks (bans), 2018 5th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), 1--6, 2018. DOI |
11. | Sk Kamruzzaman, Mahmuda Naznin, Md Nawajish Islam, HEM: A hybrid evolutionary model for event detection in untrustworthy sensing, 2017 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 392--397, 2018. DOI |
12. | Sikder Tahsin Al-Amin, Suraiya Tairin, Sharmin Afrose, Walid Mohammad, Mahmuda Naznin, Poster: Semantic Clustering in Credible Human Sensed Event Detection, 2018 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 119--120, 2018. DOI |
13. | Khaleda Papry, Khan Md. Shorwar Khan, Mahmuda Naznin, A Smart Surveillance System Using Visual Sensors, ACM BuildSys, 2018. |
14. | Nazia Hossain, Mahmuda Naznin, EmoVoice: Finding My Mood from My Voice Signal, ACM Ubicomp, Singapore, 2018. DOI |
15. | Saad Maznur, Mohammad Shaown, Mahmuda Naznin, Tanvir R. Faisal, Perception Thresholding for Noise Removal in Micrographs of Cellular Tissues Obtained from Fluorescence Microscopy, IMECE, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Pittsburgh, USA, 1-6, 2018. DOI |
16. | Tahsin Amin, Suraiya Taitin, Sharmin Afrose, Walid Mahmud, Mahmuda Naznin, Semantic Clustering in Human Sensored Event Detection, the 14th DCOSS, 2018. |
17. | Mohammed Saber, Mahmuda Naznin, Relay Time Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Sensor Network, IEEE LANMAN, Washington D.C., USA, 2018. DOI |
18. | Abdullah Al Fuad, Sfiullah Sabuj, Zunayed Ahsan, Mahmuda Naznin, RLB: Randomized load balanced packet forwarding strategy in name based data networking, The 4th International Conference on Network Systems and Security (NSysS), 2017. |
19. | Sk. Kamruzzaman, Mahmuda Naznin, Md. Nawajish Islam, Even Detection in Untrustworthy Network, the 20th International Conference of Wireless and Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 1-6, 2017. |
20. | Marjan Ferdousi, Suraiya Tairin, Sttayajit Podder, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Mahmuda Naznin, Finding Hierarchical Network Model in Insulin Production Process, 8th IEEE Workshop of Multicore and Multithreaded Algorithms and Applications (M2A2), co-located with IEEE HPCC, Bangkok, Thailand, 8, 2017. DOI |
21. | Rakib Hasan, Fazle Rabbi, Mahmuda Naznin, M. I. I. Sakib, Partial Scheduling Based Energy Aware Coverage in a Heterogeneous Sensing System, International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), 1-8, Dhaka, Banglade, 2017. DOI |
22. | Tusher Chakrabarty, Taslim Arefin Khan, Mahmuda Naznin, Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, What We Breathe As We Commute: From the Perspective of a Developing Country, ACM DEV, Kenya, 2016. DOI |
23. | Raushan Ara Dilruba, Mahmuda Naznin, Sk Kamruzzaman, Md. Nawajish Islam, PBRE: Population Based Reliable Node Finding in Participatory Sensing, ACM MobiSys, 2016. |
24. | Nazia Majadi, Mahmuda Naznin, T. Ahmed, ETRACK: Energy Efficient Tracking a Mobile Object Using Under Water Sensors, ACM MobiSys, (Poster paper), 2016. |
25. | Nazia Majadi, Mahmuda Naznin, T. Ahmed, Energy Efficient Local Search Based Target Localization in an UWSN, IEEE WiMob, 1-8, NY, USA, 2016. DOI |
26. | Raushan Ara Dilruba, Mahmuda Naznin, Finding Reliable Source for Event Detection Using Evolutionary Method, Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (PKAW), LNCS 9806, 1-15, 2016. DOI |
27. | Md. Shaifur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, T. Ahmed, Efficient Routing in a Sensor Network Using Collaborative Ants, The 7th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, LNCS 9713, 2016. DOI |
28. | S M Ferdous, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Finding Network Connectivity Failure in a Wireless Sensor Network, IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days, 2016. DOI |
29. | Md Rakibul Haque, Mahmuda Naznin, and Rifat Shahriyar, Distributed Low Overhead ID in a Wireless Sensor Network, 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN 2016, Singapore, 2016. DOI |
30. | Afroza Sultana, Mahmuda Naznin, and Rifat Shahriyar, Conflicting Goal Constrained Architecture of a Heterogeneous Mobile Sensor Network, 2nd International Conference on Networking Systems and Security, NSysS 2016, 2016. |
31. | Mahmuda Naznin, Abu Sayed Chowdhury, ZDG: Zone Based Energy Efficient Data Gathering in a Sensor Network, NSysS, 2015. DOI |
32. | Md. Shaifur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Shortening the Tour-Length of a Mobile Data Collector in the WSN by the Method of Linear Shortcut, The 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb), LNCS 7808, 674-685, 2013. DOI |
33. | Md. Shahiduzzaman Bappi, Mahmuda Naznin, Akond Ashfaque Rahman, Portable and Secure Multimedia Data Transfer in Mobile Phones Using Record Management Store, IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2010. |
34. | Akond Ashfaque Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Atiq Mollah, Energy Efficient Multiple Target Tracking Using Target Kinematics, International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM), 2010. |
35. | Nurjahan Begum, Samia Tasnim, Mahmuda Naznin, Efficient Query Processing in Sensor Network Using Multi-commodity Flow Network, The 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, 2010. DOI |
36. | Rakibul Haque, Atiqul Islam, Ashik Khan, Mahmuda Naznin, DPUid : Distributed Algorithm for Proximity-based Unique ID Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, 2009. |
37. | Atif Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Masud Hasan, Integer Linear Programming in Designing Universal Arrays with Multiplexed Applications, International Conference on Electronics and Computer Technology, 215-218, 2009. |
38. | Mahmuda Naznin, Kendall E. Nygard, Handling Multiplicities and Multiple Variables in a Dynamic Network Flow Model, The 40th Annual Midwest Instructional and Computing Symposium (MICS), 2007. |
39. | Mahmuda Naznin, Paul Juell, Kendall E. Nygard, Karl Altenburg, A Clustering Heuristic by Effective Neighbor Selection, The 40th Annual Midwest Instructional and Computing Symposium (MICS), 6, 2007. |
40. | Mahmuda Naznin, Kendall E. Nygard, Adaptive Coverage in Heterogeneous Sensor Network, The 19th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE), 2006. |
41. | Mahmuda Naznin, Xiaojiang Du, Kendall E. Nygard, Scheduling Duty Cycles In Differentiated Sensor Networks, International Conference on Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Engineering (KSCE), 2006. |
42. | Md. Saidur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Takao Nishizeki, Orthogonal drawings of plane graphs without bends, International Conference on Graph Drawing, LNCS 2265, 7(4),, 392-406, 2003. |
43. | Md. Saidur Rahman, Mahmuda Naznin, Takao Nishizeki, Shin-ichi Nakano, Orthogonal Drawings of Biconnected Plane Graphs Without Bends, International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 1999. |