CSE BUET Team Wins Bangladesh's First NLP Hackathon

BUET Semantic Shenanigans consisting of Md Zarif Ul Alam, Ramisa Alam, and H.A.Z Sameen Shahgir became the Champion of the Natural Language Processing Hackathon, 2023. The event was organized by Bengali Language Enrichment in Information Technology through Research and Development Project (EBLICT) and Bangladesh Open Source Network (BDOSN), supported by ICT Division, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Team Return Zero - also from CSE BUET including members Ridwanul Hasan Tanvir, Shayekh Bin Islam, and Sihat Afnan - secured the 2nd Runner Up position.
The two-day hackathon was conducted by Amazon Alexa Applied Scientist Sudipta Kar and Brac University Assistant Professor (CSE) Dr. Farig Sadek. The judging panel included Dr. Rifat Shahriyar, Professor of Department of CSE BUET, Dr. Nabil Mohammed, Associate Professor of North South University, among other esteemed professionals.