Elsevier Smart Health Journal Best Paper Award 2022

“A privacy-preserving National Clinical Data Warehouse: Architecture and analysis”
(Volume 23, March 2022, 100238)
A prototype model of National Clinical Data Warehouse (NCDW) of Bangladesh has been proposed in this paper as a proof of concept. This research project is aimed to provide a privacy-preserved anonymous clinical data platform for researchers, analysts, medical practitioners, health care providers, and other beneficiaries by integrating the clinical data from heterogeneous sources of different public and private hospitals/diagnostic centers of Bangladesh. HIPAA guidelines and health data standardization (e.g. ICD-11, SNOMED CT) techniques has been followed to ensure interoperability and privacy preservation. The importance of the NCDW is diverse that can be used for predicting health risks and outcomes, analyzing health status from different perspectives (e.g. disease, geography, age, time-series), generating reports, and sharing data with health care providers/organizations to improve health care services.
This project was conducted at eSRD-Lab by establishing an academia-industry research collaboration among three academic entities: 1) eSRD-Lab, Department of CSE, BUET 2) Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT), BUET 3) Ubicomp Lab, Department of Computer Science, Marquette University, USA and two software companies: 1) MySoft Ltd, Bangladesh and 2) Ubitrix Inc, WI, USA.
Authors Information:
1) Md Raihan Mia
Current Affiliation:
Ph.D. Student and Graduate Research Assistant at Ubicomp Lab,
Department of Computer Science at Marquette University, WI, USA
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Batch: 2013
2) Dr. Abu Sayed Md Latiful Hoque
Professor and Head of eSRD-Lab
Department of Computer and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
3) Dr. Shahidul Islam Khan
Current Affiliation:
Associate Professor in the Dept. of CSE, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC)
BUET Affiliation:
M.Sc Engg. and Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Supervisor: Abu Sayed Md Latiful Hoque
4) Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Current Affiliation:
Wehr Professor and Founding Chair of Computer Science Department
Director, Ubicomp Lab
Marquette University, WI, USA
BUET Affiliation:
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology