CSE, BUET Team Becomes Asia West Champions in 47th ICPC World Finals

With great delight, we are pleased to announce that CSE, BUET teams have delivered a great performance, including achieving the prestigious title of “Asia West Champion”, in the ICPC World Finals, held in Luxor, Egypt, during April 14 -19, 2024.
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), known as the World Cup of competitive programming, is the most prestigious competitive programming competition where the best problem solvers and programmers from universities around the world compete each year. The winners of local and regional rounds successively proceed to the ultimate event, the World Finals, where the best of the best contend for the ultimate glory. Covering a backlog created due to COVID-19 pandemic, this year, two Finals, i.e., the 46th and the 47th, were staged simultaneously.
BUET has consistently performed on this grand global stage since 1998, outperforming many of the renowned universities of the world.
As a continuation of this auspicious trend, the BUET team in the 46th ICPC world finals has become the “Asia West Champions,” beating universities from India, Iran, and other countries in the region. This is the second time BUET has secured this title, repeating the feat first achieved in ICPC Moscow back in 2021 (the 44th FInals). Overall, the team stood 28th in the whole world (scoreboard link). The team consisted of three students from CSE, BUET, namely, Kazi Md. Irshad Farooqui, Md. Sabbir Rahman , and Sk. Sabit Bin Mosaddek. In the 47th ICPC world finals, the BUET team stood 65th in the whole world while being the first among the three teams of Bangladesh (scoreboard link). They solved the same number of problems solved by the Asia West Champions in the 47th and were only beaten by a time penalty. The team consisted of three students from CSE, BUET, namely Iftekhar Hakim Kaowsar, Mahdi Hasnat Siyam, and Apurba Saha.
The teams were coached and mentored by a dedicated committee comprising a combination of experienced and young faculty members of CSE, BUET, and ICPC alumni of the department. Furthermore, all faculty members of the department extend their unconditional support, financially and otherwise, for this cause. The CSE department remains committed to supporting its students as they continue to excel in various fields of computing.
Let us congratulate the team for their outstanding performances.