01 Jan 1980

Workshop on Linux

Department of CSE, BUET Arranges Workshop on Use of Linux in Everyday Life.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology is going to arrange a workshop on Use of Linux in Everyday Life on 7th to 9th April, Saturday to Monday, for its teachers and officers.
As an initiative to create public awareness on free and open source software among the teachers and officers of this university, the workshop will focus on topics as a primary initiation to the participants. The topics to be covered are basic introduction, installation, office use, common software, software search and installation as well as perspective of open source software in the context of Bangladesh.
Honorable Vice Chancellor of BUET is acting as sponsor of the program. As a part of their responsibility towards the community all instructors of this workshop are rendering their service completely on voluntary basis.
Successful participants in the workshop will receive a certificate on the final day.