01 Jan 1980

Workshop on ICT Research Studies in Bangladesh (IRSB)

Date: 27 June 2014  

Venue: IAC, Department of CSE, ECE Building, West Palashi, BUET

The workshop is intended to provide a platform for researchers, university faculty members, and interested graduate-level students for sharing their ideas and views on ICT research studies in Bangladesh. The goal of this workshop is to promote more research studies (Ph.D. to be more specific) in the area of ICT in Bangladesh. The workshop is planned to comprise of invited talks, brief presentations of own research, and open discussion.

Motivation behind the workshop

People in Bangladesh are widely using various ICT products in their daily lives. Most of the products and their working principles are originated outside Bangladesh. This happens as the outsider countries, who are the originators, do extensive research on the ICT products and their working principle. Such research mainly happens in different universities all around the globe. However, Bangladesh severely lacks behind in doing such research.
To bridge this gap, Bangladesh needs to promote research studies in ICT in its university. For promoting such studies, corresponding faculty members and interested students should be well-informed about the opportunities and prospects available for such studies in Bangladesh. The proposed workshop aims to contribute in this case. It targets to present opportunities, prospects, and current status of research studies in ICT in Bangladesh.

Scope of the workshop
Scope of the proposed workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Current status of ICT research studies in Bangladesh
    Opportunities available for ICT research studies in Bangladesh
    Future prospects for conducting ICT research studies in Bangladesh
    Ongoing research work by faculty members and graduate students

Intended participants

Intended participants of the proposed workshop is expected to include, but are not limited to, the following:
   University faculty members
    Graduate students
    Government officers
    Media personals

Program Schedule

Time            Event
09:00am-10:00am Presentation by graduate students
10:00am-11:00am Invited talk by Tanzima Z. Islam, 
                 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
11:00am-11:30am Tea break and networking
11:30am-12:30pm Invited talk by Enamul Amyeen, Intel, USA
12:30pm-01:00pm Presentation by graduate students
01:00pm-02:30pm Lunch and prayer break
02:30pm-03:30pm Invited talk by Dr. S. M. Monzurur Rahman, 
                Samsung R&D, Bangladesh
03:30pm-04:30pm Invited talk by Zikrur Reja Khanam, 
                Joint Secretary, M/O Education
04:30pm-05:30pm Invited talk by A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, CSE, BUET
05:30pm-06:00pm Presentation by graduate students
06:00pm-06:05pm Closing remarks
06:05pm-06:30pm Tea and prayer break 

A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, BUET
Email: alim_razi@cse.buet.ac.bd
Departmental webpage: http://buet.ac.bd/cse/faculty/facdetail.php?id=razi
Personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/abmalimalislam/home

Mohammad Saifur Rahman
Lecturer, Department of CSE, BUET
Email: srautonu@yahoo.com
Departmental webpage: http://buet.ac.bd/cse/faculty/facdetail.php?id=mrahman
Personal webpage: http://www.linkedin.com/in/saifurr/