Proposed Undergraduate Program

Program Overview

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering offers a 4 year Bachelor of Science degree program for prospective undergraduate students.
This curriculum is offered for students seeking a broad and deep knowledge of the theory, design, and applications of digital computers. The first two years are spent on basic work in mathematics and physics, and an introduction to the fundamental areas of computer science. The third year completes the work in basic computer science and requires electives to broaden the academic background of the student. During the fourth year, each student is provided with options to obtain a deeper understanding of topics in which the student has a particular interest.

Degree Offerings

  1. Bachelor of Science
      Duration: 4 years
      Course Structure: 126 credit hours of theory courses + 34.5 credit hours of sessional courses
      Minimum GPA requirement: 2.20

Admission Requirements & Procedure


Enrollment in the B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering degree program requires a student to have completed 12 years of studies in the Higher Secondary School Certificate program or GCE A Level program.


The admission procedure for prospective undergraduate students begins immediately after the publication of the result of the Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C) examination, usually in the month of August, every year. The call for admission application is published in national dailies.
Students, who are eligible for application, apply in specific form to the registrar’s office. There is a primary selection of the applicants according to their past results in public examinations. The selected students sit for the admission examination that is held at the BUET campus.
The ranking of the students based on the admission exam is published on the BUET website. Students are given the opportunity to select a department based on their merit ranking. Details of the admission procedure can be found here.
Usually, students who rank within 300 on the merit list get the opportunity to opt for CSE.

Curriculum Structures

The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive education in Computer Science and Engineering, ensuring that students gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The program is structured as follows:
Core Courses: Fundamental courses that all students must complete. These courses build a solid foundation in computer science principles and engineering practices.
Elective Courses: Advanced courses that allow students to specialize in areas of interest. Students can choose from a variety of electives based on their career goals and interests.
Sessional Courses: Hands-on courses designed to provide practical experience. These include laboratory work, projects, and internships.
General Education Courses: Courses aimed at providing a well-rounded education, including subjects such as humanities, social sciences, and communication skills.
Capstone Project: A culminating project that integrates the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program. Students work on real-world problems, often in collaboration with industry partners.
Thesis: An extensive research project that allows students to explore a specific area of interest in depth. The thesis involves significant research, analysis, and writing, culminating in a formal written dissertation and defense.


To view the courses offered for each level term, please click on the corresponding link below. For a detailed course outline, please navigate to this link.

Select Level-Term Select Level-Term
Level-1 Term-1 (v2022) Level-1 Term-2 (v2022)
Level-2 Term-1 (v2022) Level-2 Term-2 (v2016)
Level-3 Term-1 (v2016) Level-3 Term-2 (v2016)
Level-4 Term-1 (v2016) Level-4 Term-2 (v2016)

Advising & Academic Support

BUET encourages students to come in close contact with the teachers. For promotion of a high level of teacher-student interaction, each student is assigned to an Adviser and the student is free to discuss with his adviser all academic matters. Students are also encouraged to meet with other teachers any time for help and guidance in academic matters.

Student Advisor

One adviser is normally appointed for a group of students by the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUGS) of the concerned department. The adviser advises each student about the courses to be taken in each term by discussing the academic program of that particular term with the student. An adviser will review and eventually approve the student’s specific plan of study and monitor subsequent progress of the student. The adviser is usually in the rank of an Assistant Professor or above of the concerned department.
The adviser may permit the students to drop one or more courses based on previous performances.

Scholarships & Funds

» Undergraduate students will be awarded the Bachelor’s degree with honors if their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is 3.75 or better.
» As a recognition of excellent academic performance, the names of students obtaining an average GPA of 3.75 or above in two consecutive regular terms of an academic year may be published in the Dean’s List. Students who have received an ‘F’ grade in any course during any of the two regular terms will not be considered for the Dean’s List that year.
» Gold Medal for outstanding Computer Science and Engineering graduates was introduced and the medal is presented to the student who secures the first position in the entire class and whose CGPA is above 3.75. The student must have completed his/her undergraduate coursework within four consecutive academic years and have satisfactory attendance to his/her credit.

Undergraduate Academic Evaluation

The total performance of a student in a given course is based on a scheme of continuous assessment. For theory courses this continuous assessment is made through a set of quizzes, class evaluation, class participation, homework assignment and a term final examination. The assessment in laboratory/sessional courses is made through observation of the student at work during the class, viva-voce during laboratory hours and quizzes.
Each course has a certain number of credits, which describes its corresponding weights. A letter grade with a specified number of grade points is awarded for each course for which a student is registered. A student’s performance is measures both by the number of credits completed satisfactorily and by the weighted average of the grade point earned.
Letter grades and corresponding grade points will be awarded in accordance to the provisions shown below.

Grade Grade Points Numerical Markings
A+ 4.0 80% and above
A 3.75 75% to below 80%
A- 3.50 70% to below 75%
B+ 3.25 65% to below 70%
B 3.0 60% to below 65%
B- 2.75 55% to below 60%
C+ 2.50 50% to below 55%
C 2.25 45% to below 50%
D 2.0 40% to below 45%
F 0.00 Below 40%
I - Incomplete
X - Continuation (For project and thesis/design courses)
S - Satisfactory (non credit courses)
U - Unsatisfactory (non credit courses)
W - Withdrawal
Distribution of Marks:

Thirty percent (30%) of marks of a theoretical course shall be allotted for continuous assessment, i.e. quizzes, home assignments, class evaluation and class performance. The rest of the marks will be allotted to the Term Final Examination that is conducted centrally by the university. There are internal and external examiners for each course in the Term Final Examination of three hours duration.

Class Participation 10%
Homework assignment and quizzes 20%
Final Examination (3 hours) 70%
Total 100%
Intended Learning Outcomes

1. An ability to acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science, algorithmic principles, engineering tools, and technology in the field of Computer Science and Engineering
2. An ability to identify and formulate computational models of real-world problems and develop practical solutions
3. An ability to analyze computational requirements or needs of information systems.Design and develop appropriate products, processes, and tools of varying complexity in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design choices
4. An ability to design, conduct, analyze, evaluate, and interpret the results of computational modules appropriate to Computer Science and Engineering and information technology
5. An ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and provide leadership
6. An ability to effectively communicate orally, visually, and in writing
7. An ability to understand the impact of engineering decisions in national/global/societal/ environmental context
8. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social responsibility
9. A recognition of the need for an ability to engage in lifelong learning to cope with contemporary and future/potential challenges
10. A broad education necessary to contribute effectively beyond their professional careers